MaximumBunny: Oh, so you just see it as being mean or unsympathetic. You would be 100% correct then. When you pat these types of people on the back you just encourage them to continue down the same failure road that leads them on. They're not there because they're lonely and just needed you to tell them they could do it. They're there because you didn't tell them they were wrong to quit and how they need to realistically progress to reach their goals. We live in a politically correct world that fears upsetting people and anyone who steps out and says the truth gets labeled as "asshole of the year"/"bullshit comments of the century".
2 different boats. You've already mentioned your medical issues and that's understandable. It does make it more difficult for you to understand the situation too. When you say "life is not that simple", you're actually referring to the many mistakes they've made that built up to an unmanageable scenario. Taking on debts, making poor relationships, and other *choices* that lead them down that road. There are only 2 types of people: those who start out in a sinking boat and those who start in boats with oars. When you're in the latter and you're crying about not traveling as fast or as far as others, of course I'm going to call you out on it.
fr33k has many medical conditions as well as his mother. Being born into a violent neighborhood would also constitute a serious disadvantage. I sympathize with the disadvantaged (including yourself), while I don't sympathize with the rest. And you seem to have a problem with this, which doesn't bother me one bit.
Like Misteryo brought up, when people come out of a disadvantaged state to success they're quite the inspiration. If you want to let your handicaps define you then go ahead. There will always be someone worse who didn't let that hold them back, and they'll be the ones that people remember.
But when you start crossing that line where all you do is tell people that everything is hopeless and look up as many sad stories as you can to justify yourself being a quitter, that's when you just become a disease that needs to be cut off from the rest. For example, you saying fr33k's life can't get better just because of your mental condition is asinine. I can't tell if you just don't know any better or if you're purposely being a fool.
monkeydelarge: 1. You must have me confused with someone else. In this thread, I never revealed anything about my life other than I think life sucks.
2. Calling people who "suck at life", calling them "losers" and "failures". Saying they need to "grow a pair" is 100% pointless if you are trying to help people. You think they don't fucking know? Rubbing that shit in their face is counter productive. Like I said earlier, it is basically trolling. Don't fucking try to pretend you were trying to help these people.
3. Being realistic makes me a disease that needs to be cut off from the rest? I can say the same about assholes like you who makes people feel like garbage and then pretends it is for their own good.
4. I never said fr33k's life can't get better. Of course, it can get better. It depends on his destiny. Stop jumping to all these stupid assumptions about me for the sake of your argument. In other words, cut the bullshit out.
I think you're wasting your time a bit. While I consider that "life sucks" is an oversimplification (some people's life do, even in the most ordinary industrial settings, and the clash between aspirations and possibilities are often largely determined by outside elements), I think that "maximumbunny sucks" is a valid postulate. Such people are merely looking for ways to rationalise their lack of empathy and their general dickish-ness, and to re-frame life as some "equal opportunity" bullshit, where their status is owed to nothing but their own "hard work and courage", and everyone's failures is due to their mere personal moral shortcomings. In other words, this is a world where Everything Is Rightly Deserved. This dismisses any social, economical, political, cultural issue. This glorifies the Top and stigmatizes the Bottom. This glorifies Being-A-Prick as the highest Moral Virtue. And this instrumentalises anyone's hardship or (temporary or permanent, relative or absolute, objective or exagerated) despair as an opportunity for self-serving praise at their expense. It's not simply narrow-minded, it is deliberately so : this worldview is its own purpose. It's not something you can debate or discuss, as if you were analysing the world. It's a belief driven by a specific intention. As long as you don't offer an alternate form of "ooh you are so awesome and those who complain just suck because they lack your majestic qualities", your arguments will never meet his requirements.
Best ignore such people, and leave them to their delusions of grandeur, human value, and moral respectability. They are a mild background nagging annoyance (when they don't vote for further increased inequalities, that is), and while they are unhelpful to anyone (as their only way to feel superior is to push the unluckiest downwards), they still are a useful reminder that, whatever your situation, the kind of person you are is more important, and a more valid source of self-esteem, than what you are facing. They are a more efficient "at least i am not this" consolation than whatever worst-case-scenario hardship they use as a pseudo-relativist excuse...