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Dear Santa,

The year has turned again, and it's that time: a time when everyone runs through their mental lists to see if they've been nicer than naughty and wonders what you'll bring them on the morrow. It's time for us to reflect on what we've done in the last year, what we wanted to do, and what we hope you'll bring us to help succeed next year as well.

The year has been pretty good to us, Santa, and we'd like to think that's part of you fulfilling our wish for last year--we've added over 250 Mac games to the catalog, more than 120 Indie games are now on GOG since we launched our "Bigger, Fresher, Newer" campaign last year, and we celebrated a 500 games in our catalog in January of this year. We've since gone on to a total catalog of [url=]674 games at the end of 2013--that's a long way since 2012!

We added some top games to our catalog this year, classics like Leisure Suit Larry, Neverwinter Nights 2, , [url=]System Shock 2, Wizardry 6 & 7, and Wizardry 8, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, and we even finished off the Wing Commander series. We've seen some fantastic indies showing up on as well, from Divinity: Dragon Commander and Expeditions: Conquistador to Papers, Please and , we've been adding new games to the catalog that we're sure will be looked at as future gems in the years to come. We've asked questions about what our users think should be, we've produced--and ended--a regular episodic show about what has released each week, we've fulfilled [url=]hundreds of thousands of wishlist votes, gone to tradeshows in [url=]and the US, launched a new program to help indies get on, had [url=]of [url=]all [url=]the , [url=]celebrated our fifth birthday for a whole month, and generally had a grand old time.

Recently, we've experimented with some new things for we ran a charity fundraiser which (spoiler alert!) has raised tons of money for children, the poor, and wildlife all around the world; we teamed up with PC Gamer and Larian and gave away 3d-printed statues of dragons from Dragon Commander; we ran a pixel-art competition and were blown away by the great entries we received; we ran an Insomnia promo whereby we discovered the Internet's love for Jack Keane; we launched a guarantee where we promise that any game you buy from us will work; and we gave away all three of the original Fallout games to say goodbye to one of the greatest franchises in the history of gaming as it leaves our catalog. We also discovered that apparently the entire Internet wanted free copies of Fallout, because man did our servers ever struggle for the first few hours of that giveaway! We've welcomed back old friends and made uncountable scores of new ones over the last year here, and the craziest thing is that--for the fifth year running--this is the best year yet for With 63 employees from all over the world, millions and millions of customers and visitors each month, hundreds of new games, and limitless potential for the next year, Santa, we believe that trend will continue in 2014 with your help.

Which brings us to what we'd like to see in our Yule stocking. Last year we wished for LucasArts or Take Two to join, and we really thought that we'd have enough good luck to make it happen. The business world can be slower than we'd like, but we still hope and dream of adding great games from one of those classic companies--or others!--to our classic games catalog in 2014. The rest of our wishes, we worked hard and succeeded at this year, but they're also still something that we want to continue to work on in 2014. Of course we want to release more great games--games like Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Carmageddon: Reincarnation--and others that we haven't even heard of yet. We want to see our indie program grow and expand well beyond its current scope because we've seen so many good games come our way through there but we know we're missing out on others that haven't found us yet. We want to launch audacious new features on that will make us bigger, better, and more fun for our gamers. We want to look beyond the obvious and grow in new and unexpected ways to bring the DRM-Free Revolution to gamers who've never heard of us or who don't know about DRM. We defined our goal as a company for 2014 year simply: to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.

So help us with that, Santa, and we're confident that we will continue to surprise, delight, amaze, astound, and impress gamers all around the globe; we'll continue to grow; and we'll continue to do everything that makes a different (and dare we say "better"?) place for gamers. We never ask you for easy things, Santa, because we don't ask ourselves for easy things. We want to drive ourselves to make big changes, and we hope we'll be able to do so in 2014.

Happy Holidays to all of you who read this, and we hope that all of your wishes come true for 2014.
Drisk: It has definitely been a great year for GOG and us gamers and I thank you for bringing so many classic games to be able to play again. You are right Lucas Arts would be the jewel in the crown... I would do anything to be able to Xwing and Grim Fandango legally again... Disc World Trilogy and Blade Runner would also be awesome. Also I would love to play Cinemaware It came from the Desert and Ants Head again. ooh Dizzy Collection would be cool.

One direction I would like to see GOG take are arcade games... Yes I know MAME does many but if you did it right with loads of extras then people would make the purchase.. I wonder how easy it would be to fit in challenges to old games like NES Remix does so well. It would be nice to see some CD32, 3DO and Saturn games... Maybe GOG could task a remake to take an old Spectrum or C64 game and fill it with the original game combined with NES Remix style challenges.

Anyway all the best and here is looking forward to a great new year.
I agree with you there. Maybe a TAITO pack (GOG does work with Square Enix, the owner of TAITO) or some of the Midway packs in GOG is able to link up with Warner Interactive. I still remember the pleasant surprise of Raiden showing up, which I bought right away and am still really enjoying. Maybe Atari (or what's left of it) can recoup its losses by putting out a couple of arcade sets for the PC like they have done with ios.
It does seem possible.
State of Decay would be a great addition!
I like the picture with the gog bear btw, playing his gog games on the laptop.
Even though he has been a bit naughty this year.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by lugum
Happy Christmas everyone, hope you all have a great day and great holidays :)

Catch you all in the New Year
thanks for another great year GOG :).
mondo84: Happy Holidays to everyone in the GOG community.

Hopefully 2014 will be the year for those LucasArts and Take Two games. :)
Hear hear! And to all GOG a happy holidays and merry new year!
Santa! Contact Interplay and Paramount and tell them both to make Star Trek 25th Anniversary talkie-edition, and Star Trek Judgment Rites available on GOG so I can gaze upon them on my digital shelf and play them whenever I want!
lugum: I like the picture with the gog bear btw, playing his gog games on the laptop.
Even though he has been a bit naughty this year.
they really need to push it as a mascot :)
Merry Christmas everyone :) thanks to GOG for an awesome year.
lugum: I like the picture with the gog bear btw, playing his gog games on the laptop.
Even though he has been a bit naughty this year.
nijuu: they really need to push it as a mascot :)
Totally agree, and let him run for president :)
we ran an Insomnia promo whereby we discovered the Internet's love for Jack Keane--it makes me happy that u guys listen to us and hopefully u wont run anymore Keane specials in the wee hours of the morning when we were all tired, cranky and waiting for neverwinter nights to go back on sale lol
avatar to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.
Give us some shitty ones too! Please!
I want: Good Old Games
Good New Games
God-Awful Games
avatar to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.
Novotnus: Give us some shitty ones too! Please!
I want: Good Old Games
Good New Games
God-Awful Games
get daikatana.
lugum: get daikatana.
Got it. And Magna Cum Laude. And Forsaken Gods. And Masters of Orion 3. And Kingdom: Far Reaches. And so on :)
Still, I want more!
I'm really sad Cinematic Adventures deal is doing so poorly - I need an excuse to add Jack Keane 2 to my shelf :)
lugum: get daikatana.
Novotnus: Got it. And Magna Cum Laude. And Forsaken Gods. And Masters of Orion 3. And Kingdom: Far Reaches. And so on :)
Still, I want more!
I'm really sad Cinematic Adventures deal is doing so poorly - I need an excuse to add Jack Keane 2 to my shelf :)
Your own fault for not getting it in the insomnia promo and keeping the rest wait. :p
It's got a very nice box on the shelve ;)
Post edited December 24, 2013 by lugum