Wishbone: I'm no expert or audiophile or anything, but I swear by Sennheiser when it comes to headphones.
QFT [annoyed with the constant quoting already?:P]
My HD201 work just like on day 1, and they were the cheapest Senn's, i think. Use them everyday for over 5 years. Great quality, AMAZING durability, they used to fall to the ground twice a day, now i have a hook for them, but they still fall sometimes, and NOTHING broke. I've also mishandled the cable a lot, pulling the phones, as the cable got stuck somewhere. That usually ends up with the cable being torn out of the phones, and these headphones just don't do that.
Oh, i also use Senns earbuds, currently using MX360, but i find them lacking, and surprisingly, they don't like metal a lot, and started buzzing a bit. The earlier model, the MX350 was much more durable, even survived two baths in hot tea.