Posted August 05, 2013

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States

Sega Dreamcast
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2013
Tropico Reloaded+3 Gold Edition: 14.25% off
Return to Zork+Zork Anthology+Nemesis+Grand Inquisitor: 16.57% off
Return to Zork+Zork Anthology+Nemesis+Grand Inquisitor: 16.57% off

No corporation is your friend
Registered: Dec 2009
From Spain
Posted August 05, 2013
Broken Sword series: 35.66% off

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

No corporation is your friend
Registered: Dec 2009
From Spain

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Faroe Islands
Posted August 05, 2013
Was anything announced about the sale of Blood publishing rights?

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted August 05, 2013
This would probably make a great page on If no one beats me to it, I'll add it this evening.

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted August 05, 2013
Eador games 11.51% off:
* Eador: Genesis
* Eador: Masters of the Broken World
* Eador: Genesis
* Eador: Masters of the Broken World

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted August 05, 2013
Guilty Gear Isuka + #X2 Reload = 8.98 (30% off).

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted August 05, 2013
The Witcher 1+2: 16.68% off

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

Can You Face Your Fears?
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia
Posted August 05, 2013
KKND 1&2 :p

Demon Cleaner Team
Registered: Jun 2012
From Poland
Posted August 06, 2013

7th guest/11th hours games: 15% off
Age of Wonders games: 23.03% off
Alien Shooter games: 16.61% off
Alone in the Dark games: 16.61% off
ArmA games: 14.6% off
Atlantis games: 23.03% off
Blitzkrieg games: 24.97% off
Blood games: 16.61% off
Broken Sword games: 35.66% off
Cannon Fodder games: 16.61% off
Capitalism games: 18.71% off
City Building games: 23.03% off
Commandos games: 18.71% off
Creatures games: 16.58% off
Crusader games: 16.61% off
Cultures games: 24.97% off
Dark Reign games: 18.71% off
Deponia games: 12.48% off
Deus Ex games: 34.98% off
Dungeon Keeper games: 16.61% off
Eador games: 11.51% off
Earth games: 16.58% off
Empire Earth games: 23.03% off
Eschalon games: 18.71% off
Etherlords games: 16.61% off
Fallout games: 33.3% off
Firefly games: 23.03% off (stronghold games + Space Colony HD)
Gabriel Knight games: 16.58% off
Guilty Gear games: 24.96% off
Hitman games: 18.71% off
Independence War games: 16.61% off
Interstate series games: 16.61% off
Introversion Series games: 44.41% off
Journey to the Center of the Earth: 10% off
Journeyman Project games: 16.61% off
King's Quest games: 33.3% off
King's Bounty games: 19.98% off
Krondor games: 16.61% off
Krush, Kill 'N' Destroy games: 16.61% off
Lands of Lore games: 16.61% off
Legacy of Kain games: 16.57% off
Leisure Suit Larry games: 22.67% off (no latest Reloaded)
LBA games: 16.61% off
Longest Journey games: 15% off
Magic Carpet games: 16.61% off
Master of Orion games: 18.71% off
Moto Racer games: 22.67% off
Myst games: 20.97% off
Neverwinter Nights games: 16.64% off
Oddworld games: 40.87% off
Phantasmagoria games: 18.8% off
Police Quest games: 24.97% off (no SWAT 3)
Populous games: 16.58% off
Realms of Arkania games: 16.61% off
Sam and Max games: 57.89% off
Screamer games: 16.61% off
Serious Sam games: 33.31% off
Seven Kingdoms games: 16.68% off
Simon the Sorcerer games: 22.15% off
Space Quest games: 24.97% off
Spellforce games: 20% off
Star Control games: 16.61% off
Still Life games: 24.97% off
Syberia games: 24.97% off
Syndicate games: 16.61% off
Tex Murphy games: 30.51% off
Thief games: 36.64% off
Throwback Pack series games: 44.4% off (Blake Stone + Rise of the Triad: Dark War)
Tomb Raider series games: 33.3% off
Total Anihilation games: 16.68% off
Tropico games: 14.25% off
Two Worlds games: 10% off
UFO games: 23.03% off
Ultima games: 16.56% off
Unreal games: 40% off
Wadjet Eye Adventures games: 20%% off
Wing commander games: 16.57% off
The Witcher games: 16.68% off
Worms series games: 16.58% off
Zork games: 16.57% off
A lot of them have already been posted, but I compiled the list for personal use so won't bother with taking out the ones already mentioned.
These are 80, but I'm not sure if the single games with 10% (like Journey to the Center of the Earth) count, as that would put the count above 80.
Feel free to correct me if I messed up anything.
EDIT: And it seems like none of Ubisoft or Strategy First games have a discount pack deal.