Codes sent:
D:SL -> triock, duragon, & klaattu
D2 -> cosminm, Aniki, & Kasbe_DRC
Let me know if I mixed anything up juggling codes, cutting & pasting, etc.
@everyone: Thanks for all the awesome, and enjoy Disciples! If you missed this giveaway, watch for another during future Strategy First sales. It's become a sort of gifting tradition for me to give away Disciples games every once in a while... someone must spread the gospel, after all! ;-)
Aniki: Here is a ride fit for Dark Lord.
(staring open-mouthed, drooling a bit) Wow, that is beautiful. What is it/where is it from?
Kasbe_DRC: Ah great! Congratulations! By the title of this post, I think I know what ending you achieved. I also beat it yesterday and I've already started another character to make a more coherent build for online play. I want to be a DEX+FTH sunbro this playthrough.
Dark Souls is probably one of the games I've enjoyed the most in my life. I don't remember having such a blast since I was a kid. I usually have a hard time finishing a game, because I tend to get bored of most game after 20-25 hours, but I've already clocked 60 at DS and I don't think I'm going to stop anytime soon.
I think the zone that made me suffer the most was definitely Tomb of the Giants. I didn't use the candle because I didn't realize you had to wield it on your left hand for it to work as a candle, so I cleared that zone in complete darkness. I even had to make pen&paper map. In the end I found the exit by mistake when I fell off a cliff and landed on a ledge that led to you-know-what-boss.
Did you play on PC? If not, did you play the Artorias of the Abyss expansion? I tremble at the thought of confronting some of its bosses again in NG+.
Congrats on your victory! And yes, I went for the "Dark Lord" ending. For those that don't know, the thread title:
"Let true Dark be cast upon the world."
is actually a line of dialogue from that ending. It is a *very* short ending for such an epic journey, but I found it satisfying enough. Amusingly, you can actually get the Dark Lord ending by accident (because it's not made explicit that you actually have a choice, and you can make that choice without meaning to do so...).
Your 60 hours sounds like a more reasonable estimate for beating the game. I took 140 hours because I did EVERYTHING... went everywhere, found everything, bought everything from everyone, etc... I went a bit... okay... waaaaaay overboard. Bought all pyromancies, sorceries, and miracles and the stats to use most of them, bought one of each item to try. After the first few hours playing on Xbox, I knew that I'd eventually buy it on PC, so I wanted to mess around and experience each aspect of the game so that I could make specific builds later with a knowledge of how everything worked.
I had the Cast Light sorcery from Dusk of Oolacile, so the Tomb of Giants wasn't too bad (except for that part with two giant skeletons at once). I'll be playing the Artorias of the Abyss expansion when I begin a game on PC (just received it in the mail this last week)... tho I'll need a break first! ;-)
A last bit of awesome:
Therion - Sitra Ahra