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high rated
As you may have guessed from the title, I recently beat Dark Souls (~140 hours). This calls for a celebration giveaway, and the current Strategy First sale presents an excellent opportunity to spread the Disciples gospel, so...

Let's do this thing:

6 codes for Disciples: Sacred Lands
3 codes for Disciples 2

How to win? Complete one of the following quest objectives:

-> Post about Dark Souls. Praise it, damn it, joke about it, post sweet images, share experiences, whatever.
-> Post about any Disciples game.
-> You really do need to win if you've nothing to post about Dark Souls or Disciples. Post or link to *anything* awesome. As newly anointed Dark Lord, I will be the final arbiter of awesome. ;-)


-> Indicate whether you would a prefer a code for D:SL, D2, or either one if selected.

Depending on the number of entries posted, I will either choose winners at random or perhaps simply message codes to the first nine entrants that put forth a decent effort.

Hail, Mortis!

Death to the living!
I know nothing about Dark Souls, but I know <span class="bold">Souls of Black</span>, which is awesome!

oh, if you find that its awesomeness is awesome enough, I would love D:SL... ;p
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Stooner
*points to forum title*
Sufficiently awesome, code sent. ;-)
mrcrispy83: *points to forum title*
"General Discussion"... is awesome? Is that an entry? :-P
ddmuse: Sufficiently awesome, code sent. ;-)
And some people still ignore the old Testament... tsk tsk... ;p
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Stooner
140 hours? May I ask how you arrived at such a specific number? Did you keep a timer next to you? I keep a stopwatch next to my bed but that's for another thread in another forum.

I always liked the Tomb Raider statistics; sure it told you how long you had been playing but more than that it told you how many feet/meters you had actually walked which was always my favorite. I'd often say to people, "TR 3; 47 miles!" to which they would usually respond, "Wonderfull, now sit down and let the Pastor finish his sermon!"

I'd dig that "Disciples: Sacred Lands" if you are so inclined. Oh and I realize I didn't fofill any of your criteria but I do own "Dawn of the Dead Ultimate Edition" on DVD. Four versions of one one movie about living people being overrun by the dead. That should count for something, I mean, aside from a strait jacket.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by tinyE
ddmuse: -> You really do need to win if you've nothing to post about Dark Souls or Disciples.
I have nothing to post about Dark Souls or Disciples. So I really do need to win Disciples: Sacred Lands. :D
tinyE: 140 hours? May I ask how you arrived at such a specific number? Did you keep a timer next to you? I keep a stopwatch next to my bed but that's for another thread in another forum.
Lol. "~" means "about" or "around" or "estimated"... but the game displays hours played, and my total was actually 140 hours and some minutes. ;-)
tinyE: "Dawn of the Dead Ultimate Edition" on DVD
I'm beginning to suspect that some sort of mind probing is at work here... First metal, now zombie films... this thread is reading like a list of my favorite things. Code sent. ;-)
dirtyharry50: I have nothing to post about Dark Souls or Disciples. So I really do need to win Disciples: Sacred Lands. :D
I'm sorry, but you must post something awesome. Those are the rules. Can't be going soft and expecting to maintain my status as Dark Lord. :-P
Post edited February 02, 2013 by ddmuse
Dark Souls looks like a great game, but after playing Darksiders with a keyboard and mouse, I'm hesitant to play those sorts of action games, especially after the reviewer said that a controller is a must.

I love Disciples 2. I used a Mage Lord with the Empire campaign and equipped with one artifact that added nice damage and another that had a chance to paralyze. Having a chance to paralyze combos wonderfully with an attack that hits everyone. Once he got First Strike, there wasn't much that got in my way, though the last fight was a close thing.

I never did get a chance to play the Disciples: Sacred Lands, so this would be a good opportunity to give it a go, thanks.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Soyeong
Thanks and +1 for your generosity, ddmuse!

Also, a little promotion in the Giveaways' Directory:

I prefer Dark Mistresses myself, so, if you look for awesomeness, you should check Luis Royo's works (if you don't know them already), as this or this or this. In addition, he's a compatriot of mine. ;)

As for my choice, count me in for the Disciples game you think is better from the two. :)

However, as I never had the chance to know the Disciples universe (shame on me), perhaps would be better to play first D:SL?
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Thespian*
Soyeong: snip
A controller is def a must for Dark Souls. It is an action-RPG, light on story but with a good amount of interesting lore. The focus is combat, but the game places more emphasis on mobility, blocking, and timing rather than button-mashing hack-n-slash. Battling men or beasts or giant beasts is a lot of fun in Dark Souls.


Disciples 2 is great, but Sacred Lands still has its charm. In particular, the sounds of certain heroes are fantastic and very memorable. "Death to the living!" "Yesss!"

Code sent, enjoy! :-)
Never played Dark Souls, but I played both Disciples games, and they're awesome. Watching how I turn the terrain from green, lush landscapes into dead, lifeless land is so much fun..... Makes me feel evil. Alas, I only own Disciples: SC, and not the second one. If I get Disciples 2 in this giveaway, then I promise I WILL TAKE THEIR SOULS in your honor ;)
Thank you. I had one game that I got installed earlier today, but that just got trumped.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Soyeong
Hey! Awesome giveaway and congratz on finishing Dark Souls!
I would like to enter the giveaway for Disciples 2. I already own Disciples SL here on GoG and finished it. Great game!
As for the second one, I would really love to own it to have it on my Disciples collection and giving it another playthrough! Good luck to all participants and thanks for the giveaway ddmuse!
Thespian*: Dark Mistresses
Every Dark Lord needs a Dark Mistress... or at least that's what I took from playing Overlord. ;-) I do like Royo's art, but I'd not seen that first one (moon, greatsword, blood tear) before... It is LOVELY.

Code sent for D2 (let me know if you'd rather have SL), enjoy! :-)

So you will... SACRIFICE them! (hehe...) Code sent, go forth corrupting! ;-)


I'm off work soon, so I'll be logging off and going to sleep (I work midnights). Will give out the rest of the codes later tonight sometime, feel free to post more entries while I'm away. Might gift a few extra if there's lots of awesome here when I return. ;-)
Post edited February 02, 2013 by ddmuse