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Just did it by hand, multiplying by hand confirmed the result, as did the calculator. Took me a only a couple of minutes, but I already knew going in that I could do it. I still use this skill quite often...
Licurg: I did it ! Do I post the result?
Titanium: The result is irrelevant. I had to re-learn these basics because I was so used to calculators, while still believing I had it in me all this time. I was shocked when I saw that I didn't.

0.125 x 25.056

My brain was like "lol how do I multiply?"
Oh... So this wasn't a competition? I don't get a fancy trophy? :/
AndrewC: Also, people who use : as a division sign when online irk me the fuck out. There's a reason why 99% of the software out there uses / .
It's a cultural thing. In many non-English speaking countries the colon is the default division sign.
Licurg: Oh... So this wasn't a competition? I don't get a fancy trophy? :/
I hereby award you the coveted Congressional Medal of Wicked Basic Math Skillage.
I'm stuck trying to figure out what the colon is supposed to mean.
my verdict is 0.

Originally I was going to say "less than zero" because I could not even work out what the equation was asking. It took me several refreshes of the page and reading other replies to assume the colon is supposed to be a division? So hey, I got that far, so I bumped myself up to a Zero. A complete fail, but at least not worse than a complete fail. I take some comfort in that.

Math hates me. This is a little upsetting to me as I'd like to think I am quite tolerant of it myself. My guess is it is still holding a grudge for something that happened in Primary school.
Licurg: Oh... So this wasn't a competition? I don't get a fancy trophy? :/
Randalator: I hereby award you the coveted Congressional Medal of Wicked Basic Math Skillage.
Yay ! :D
AndrewC: Also, people who use : as a division sign when online irk me the fuck out. There's a reason why 99% of the software out there uses / .
drennan: It's a cultural thing. In many non-English speaking countries the colon is the default division sign.
Yeah. It's an issue with standards. Billion/Milliard and all that stuff.

Also, this is how we here write ten thousand point six five in numbers: 10.000,65
2 minutes. And I haven't done that in a decade. Probably good to practice it regularly, though. Good for the brain.
Titanium: Also, this is how we here write ten thousand point six five in numbers: 10.000,65
I was taught like that as well.
drennan: It's a cultural thing. In many non-English speaking countries the colon is the default division sign.
Titanium: Yeah. It's an issue with standards. Billion/Milliard and all that stuff.

Also, this is how we here write ten thousand point six five in numbers: 10.000,65
The comma and decimal point swapping has probably crashed more than one space vehicle. :D This global world earth thing really needs to get its act together and start standarizing things. I'd be willing to use commas and decimal points backwards, speak French and use metric if everyone did it.

Of course, I may be the only American to do it. I once had an American prof say "The metric system is stupid." We all scratched our heads b/c metric was always easier to calculate since it's base 10. Then he says, "An inch is as wide as my thumb. So it's better." We scratched our heads some more.

We may as well be using cubits over here.
My verdict: 5+ because I didn't even use the paper and pencil because I realized it's just enough to multiply 3.157 by 8. I can do it easily in my mind...
Titanium: The result is irrelevant. I had to re-learn these basics because I was so used to calculators, while still believing I had it in me all this time. I was shocked when I saw that I didn't.

0.125 x 25.256

My brain was like "lol how do I multiply?"
Brain is like a muscle - if you don't use the skills you lose them :-)
Today I noticed my reaction time has gotten pretty bad, because I started playing less action games and more RPGs. And even some recent action games tend to forgive much and give a long time to react.

It's time to train on some old-school arcade games :-)
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Gowor
I got it easily. It took me longer to figure out what you wanted calculated (as has been pointed out, a colon means a ratio at least in Britain, so I was trying to work out what you wanted the 'ratio' simplified to!) than to calculate it by multiplying by 8, which took perhaps 30-40 seconds. After having checked it with a division just because, my confidence probably went from 4 to 5, as though I, without wishing to boast, am very good at maths, I have a tendency to make silly mistakes which that would have caught.

I did get the right answer :)
Post edited February 06, 2013 by pi4t
Well, multiplying by 8 is not that difficult. You can even solve this equation in your head without writing it down.