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They finally posted a preview of the editor they've been working on. No release estimate as of yet, but it'll probably be worth the wait. Their video demonstration certainly shows how snappy and easy it'll be to create a custom dungeon. Pretty cool.

Aside: I still would like to see a modern dungeon crawler like LoG made with randomly generated levels... or get Dungeon Hack on GOG. Either one would be fine by me.
like wow - simple but very effective editor :)
Game wishlisted for now. Chances of being bought in near future: nearly perfect. Now, the only thing missing is the ability for modders to add their own assets / models / textures / audio.

Will definitely give it a shot once I'm done with my current projects.
Wow, that is so easy I can use it without any LUA knowledge. Gonna have to mess around with it on release.
Sweet! I'll finally be able to build my ownTomb of Horrors.
That looks pretty nice.
A little bump... modders will be able to use their own assets for stuff, pretty nice.

Anybody else having some ideas for a mod or two (I asked me and me said that me would very much like to cooperate)?

EDIT: Once I'm done with this stupid thesis, of course.
Post edited August 14, 2012 by Elenarie
Elenarie: A little bump... modders will be able to use their own assets for stuff, pretty nice.

Anybody else having some ideas for a mod or two (I asked me and me said that me would very much like to cooperate)?

EDIT: Once I'm done with this stupid thesis, of course.
I hope for a mod that will make combat turn based
Nice and easy to use = More ppl will make maps ((Hopefully) = ) more good maps.
Elmofongo: I hope for a mod that will make combat turn based
While that would be quite nice, I'm not sure the editor would be sufficient enough to make such changes. They talk more about the likes of custom asset integration than anything else. I somehow doubt that the game will allow for real mods at this point.

Anyway, it sounds like the editor isn't too far off now. Looking forward to it. I'll definitely re-install Grimrock once that update hits.
mistermumbles: While that would be quite nice, I'm not sure the editor would be sufficient enough to make such changes.
That would have to be patched directly into the exe, something the editor isn't capable of. Also, all hardcoded things won't be changeable, at least for now, we've no idea whether AH will release an even better editor sometime in the future.
Elenarie: A little bump... modders will be able to use their own assets for stuff, pretty nice.

Anybody else having some ideas for a mod or two (I asked me and me said that me would very much like to cooperate)?

EDIT: Once I'm done with this stupid thesis, of course.
I'd love to work with someone on a Grimrock mod! I tried my hand at modding Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights years ago, but basically had to give it up for lack of time. Grimrock modding probably won't be half as complicated.

For Grimrock, I'm thinking complicated, not-time-based puzzles. Also, I'm interested in seeing how far the monster AI can be tweaked - if we can have non-violent interactions with monsters than we've basically got NPCs and all kinds of fun possibilities open up.
Elenarie: least for now, we've no idea whether AH will release an even better editor sometime in the future.
Maybe that'll be a feature for Grimrock 2? ;) I don't expect them to put much more work into the current game once that editor is released.
Post edited August 14, 2012 by mistermumbles
Elenarie: least for now, we've no idea whether AH will release an even better editor sometime in the future.
mistermumbles: Maybe that'll be a feature for Grimrock 2? ;) I don't expect them to put much more work into the current game once that editor is released.
Petri said that there's a patch also coming with the editor. But since the game is nearly bug free (I didn't notice a single bug when playing it), yea, it is safe to assume that the work on LoG is done.
HGiles: I'd love to work with someone on a Grimrock mod! I tried my hand at modding Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights years ago, but basically had to give it up for lack of time. Grimrock modding probably won't be half as complicated.

For Grimrock, I'm thinking complicated, not-time-based puzzles. Also, I'm interested in seeing how far the monster AI can be tweaked - if we can have non-violent interactions with monsters than we've basically got NPCs and all kinds of fun possibilities open up.
I don't think the AI can be modified in the editor.
Post edited August 14, 2012 by Elenarie
Did something to prepare my future installations for modding...