Lorfean: And I'm still hoping to see the entire series (including the above-mentioned #6, which has become the victim of the scattered-licenses-syndrome and cannot be legally obtained anywhere as a result) on GOG.com some day.
DrakeFox: 1-5 are availble on Steam. I'd quite like to see 6 as well. And never figured out where Keen Dreams fit in.
Yeah, I know they're on Steam, but I'm a patient guy and I'd rather get them here if/when they arrive.
Keen Dreams was developed as part of an obligation to Softdisk, the company where John Carmack, John Romero and a couple of other guys were working in the daytime while they developed the first trilogy of Keen games in their free time. After releasing those first three episodes with the help of Apogee Software and getting their first royalty check, they resigned from Softdisk, started id Software and moved on to develop Keen 4-6 , Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, etc. etc.. Keen Dreams (aka Keen 3.5 or The Lost Episode) was produced for and released by Softdisk as part of contractual obligations and falls, technologically as well as in terms of when it was produced, in-between episodes 3 and 4.