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carnival73: The copy of it floating around the net was chopped so as to encourage retro gamers to take it online - to find a dead server as usual.
(... guess where I found mine ...) I'll be buying it as soon as it hits GOG, the second game too.
TheEnigmaticT: Edited because I got a title wrong. Also, looking over this thread I think that more than seven games you guys have mentioned here are on our list of games that are approved by the rights-holders and will be on GOG when we can get them in our release schedule. I'll never tell you which ones, though. ;)
Tempter ! I'm hoping Dungeon Keeper 2 is one of them. I seem to have 4 legal cds of it (including the original big box) but it's stopped working on my netbook. There's a lot of top quality games been mentioned though, even ruling out the Star Trek & Star Wars franchises. I'm also dubious about Blizzard's games as although they're under Activision they seem to keep independent.
I just got done installing Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind along with the Morrowind Overhaul mod. Makes the game look as good if not better then Oblivion.

Doesn't help with playing the game and not knowing WTF to do though.
Warzone 2100. It'll be going on the new laptop once I'm done with Crusader. The CDs are floating around here somewhere but I'll likely be using the version from, just to get the freshest updates.
carnival73: The copy of it floating around the net was chopped so as to encourage retro gamers to take it online - to find a dead server as usual.
Miaghstir: (... guess where I found mine ...) I'll be buying it as soon as it hits GOG, the second game too.
Looks like I just found the real thing on File Planet. XD


Nevermind - Demo =/
Post edited June 22, 2011 by carnival73
Whoops, I completely misread the title.
The last old non GoG would probably we Grand Theft Auto from Steam.
Post edited June 25, 2011 by KiLLLLeR150
Tbh, I beleve it was dungeon siege 2

Well would of been Sega GT but its quite bad on pc :(

But DS2 actually worked, And i uninstalled it after, Didnt feel right :/

not that old i know but meh
GhostQlyph: Several, all today.

System Shock 1, Bioforge, Clive Barker's Undying, Project: Nomads, Thief Gold, Dungeon Siege and Nocturne. I own all of these legally and in physical form, which I suspect makes me mildly awesome to some people.
Irenaeus.: Indeed, it took me 6 months of web-searching to find somewhere selling a new copy of System Shock 2 for a reasonable price. And that was 4 years ago. System Shock I is completely non-available these days...
It was long ago, but I'm pretty sure System Shock 1 was still printed much later than System Shock 2. Had no problems at all tracking down the EA Classics CD-ROM budget re-release of SS1 about 8 years ago, but SS2 was long out of print by then, took many months before I finally got my hands on a used copy.
Post edited June 26, 2011 by fisk0
would love to see

star trek 25th(talkie version)
star trek judgement rites(talkie version)
starfleet academy
klingon academy
x-wing games
starfleet command games
system shock 1 and 2
star trek final unity and generations

whoops thought it was games you want to see on GOG! sorry about that
Post edited July 05, 2011 by trebor8273
Not an old game, it is from 2004/2005. The Bard's Tale. See my current avatar :-D

I really would love to see it here on
Thief from the Gamer's Gate sale a couple of weeks back.
Late question: Who owns rights for Eye of the Beholder 3? Anyone know?
Post edited July 06, 2011 by Fuzzyfireball
just installed Age of empires 1 again, i love this game.
Grim Fandango. I'm still holding out for a GOG copy.