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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
PaladinWay: If GOG offers immediate store credit but has to advertise at the regional price, so that someone buying 2 regionally priced games could buy the first one alone and then use the store credit on the second one (and then have another store credit), that seems like an honest attempt at fairness to me.
Sure, and that's probably why this softened the blow so much after that initial good news announcement, which had gotten everybody in arms. Although it did strike me as 'odd' that so many people seemed to have had opposed regional pricing out of principle, protesting not against "paying more" per se, but against the practice itself; and then when the gift-code/store-credit reimbursement carrot showed up, the 'principle fighters' seemed to have scattered somewhere. But that's beside the point.

Thing is, the blame isn't on Nordic for trying to force regional pricing on gog as many here initially proclaimed; there's nothing to force, regional pricing's been here already. I'm guessing gog is fine with adding it on newer games (hence why some newer Nordic titles remain here in this form), but doesn't want to convert older, 'classic' titles; fearing the backlash, or returning the difference on so many titles (since they'd be probably opening the floodgates) just isn't feasible.

Nordic didn't have a problem with one-price while there wasn't any local currency here. Gogs move for local currency / regional pricing brings them closer to "more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content", and I guess they were willing to sacrifice ~30 odd older titles for that, at least for the time being (hopefully once Nordics current pricing 'obligation' are up for renegotiations, they can come up with a solution). Can't say I agree with that, but can't say I agreed with much of anything over the last years, so I'm clearly out of it.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by MoP
I find this ridiculous. GoG rather remove games, than to just adjust the prices? how is that logical?

sad news, because I was hoping the Darksiders games would of came to GoG at some time. Guess that's out of the ballpark now. (since, from what I can tell, its mostly Nordic's games that are being pulled that prob have the problem with GoG's pricing).
I just spent about 30 minutes posting this entire deal on SlickDeals:

I hope it will attract some extra attention to the sales and GOG in general.

If there is anything I've forgotten let me know and I'll edit the post.
cw8: This hurts like hell especially seeing Gothic 2 leave. But y is Frictional leaving as well?
Machine for Pigs isn't leaving, I don't think. Doesn't Nordic publish the Penumbra and first Amnesia games for retail? It used to be THQ, but I guess that's Nordic now? They might have wanted regional prices to match retail prices or whatever.
As an old Settlers fan, should I get any of the two "Nations" games, and if yes, which one?

Nations Gold Edition

Alien Nations
Post edited August 27, 2014 by awalterj
realkman666: Is this because rich countries want to pay the same price as poor countries? If so, you entitled cunts can fuck off.
Wurzelkraft: Of course. o_______o
Guten Abdend!
BillyMaysFan59: Jack Keane 2 is being removed? :(
low rated
sodapoppers: I find this ridiculous. GoG rather remove games, than to just adjust the prices? how is that logical?
The "people" asked for this, believe it or not. They think it's fair that someone with a 300$/month income pays as much for a game as a North American.
G-Doc: We know this is quite a radical step, and we're sorry if this causes you any concern. We do hope, that we'll figure this out in the future and will be able to re-introduce all these games to the offer. There's definitely the will to do that on both ours, and our partners' side. For the time being, they've been kind enough to offer you a last chance to get the games we're removing from sales with a nice discount, so they can remain in your collections regardless of their future fate on

I hope this puts things into proper perspective, and clears out at least most of your questions.
It's more or less what I suspected, but I always welcome an explanation.

I've held off getting a few titles that are available DRM-free elsewhere for a little while thinking that they would show up here. It doesn't look like they'll come here anytime soon though. Oh well, so much for that.
high rated
realkman666: The "people" asked for this, believe it or not. They think it's fair that someone with a 300$/month income pays as much for a game as a North American.
Isn't it often the opposite case that games in North America are cheapest of all? suggests you've got things backwards; fair region pricing is more about keeping prices in other nations at the lower level our region in the United States and Canada get.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by undeadcow
high rated
realkman666: The "people" asked for this, believe it or not. They think it's fair that someone with a 300$/month income pays as much for a game as a North American.
...and that publishers think people in Romania should pay as much as people in Germany or France, who in return pay more than residents of North America, makes more sense I guess. :)
I don't want to sound angry but either way it is not fair. One world-wide price was the most sensible solution as of now. This issue here is not about regional pricing but business affairs between GOG and Nordic.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by Wurzelkraft
djdarko: I just spent about 30 minutes posting this entire deal on SlickDeals:

I hope it will attract some extra attention to the sales and GOG in general.

If there is anything I've forgotten let me know and I'll edit the post.
+1 for spreading the Gospel of GOG to the heathen masses
htown1980: I only own Amnesia from this set. Plz recommend me some games?? :) :) :) :)
black mirror series too...
if u want to try some action rpg, gothic 2.. many of these titles are nice
Matruchus: O good can you people just not understand that this is not about regional pricing. Regional pricing is here since March and today even more games got regionally priced and nobody is making a fuss about it since everybody just understands that gog can't do anything else - could somebody read the Back to our Roots post finally and not spread misinformation about regional pricing.
Of course it's about regional pricing. It's about the difference in regional pricing GOG has to compensate for now. For new and higher priced games this seems still to pay off for GOG, but not for older, lower priced games. So the older games have to go ...
PaladinWay: If GOG offers immediate store credit but has to advertise at the regional price, so that someone buying 2 regionally priced games could buy the first one alone and then use the store credit on the second one (and then have another store credit), that seems like an honest attempt at fairness to me.
MoP: Sure, and that's probably why this softened the blow so much after that initial good news announcement, which had gotten everybody in arms. Although it did strike me as 'odd' that so many people seemed to have had opposed regional pricing out of principle, protesting not against "paying more" per se, but against the practice itself; and then when the gift-code/store-credit reimbursement carrot showed up, the 'principle fighters' seemed to have scattered somewhere. But that's beside the point.

Thing is, the blame isn't on Nordic for trying to force regional pricing on gog as many here initially proclaimed; there's nothing to force, regional pricing's been here already. I'm guessing gog is fine with adding it on newer games (hence why some newer Nordic titles remain here in this form), but doesn't want to convert older, 'classic' titles; fearing the backlash, or returning the difference on so many titles (since they'd be probably opening the floodgates) just isn't feasible.

Nordic didn't have a problem with one-price while there wasn't any local currency here. Gogs move for local currency / regional pricing brings them closer to "more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content", and I guess they were willing to sacrifice ~30 odd older titles for that, at least for the time being (hopefully once Nordics current pricing 'obligation' are up for renegotiations, they can come up with a solution). Can't say I agree with that, but can't say I agreed with much of anything over the last years, so I'm clearly out of it.
I was up in arms somewhat, not because I gave much of a damn about price, but because I supported GOG from trust. Tossing aside a principle they'd held for years with no notice broke that trust. They don't have my trust back, but they're at least cognizant of that and being wary. If they keep on a reasonable straight and narrow I'll stick with them. If not, well I've probably got more games than I could finish in two lifetimes anyway.

As for Nordic, I'd really like to see them pass a statement through a GOG employee to hear their reasoning. Because their move seems strange to me in a lot of ways.