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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Petrell: There is one (ugly) possibility, the regional difference Nordic wanted is greater than GOG 30% cut would cover. Simplified excample: Product costs 100$ in US and 200 in EU. GOG's cut is 60$ but in order to do fair pricing package they would have to give each EU customer 100$ back in store credit so it'd end up as 40$ loss per unit sold for GOG.

Maybe someone should check how they're priced elsewhere...
With the exception of ShinyLoot which also doesn't use regional pricing for the time being, every other digital distributor applies the $1=€1 conversion for Nordic Games.
Coelocanth: My thought is since the deals they've made with other distribution services involve gouging the customer where 1 dollar is converted to 1 euro, they couldn't undercut all those other distributors by doing a fair conversion on GOG.
Zeyes: That's pretty much how G-Doc's post read to me as well. Must've not been a problem (or at least less of a problem) as long as GOG only had USD-based prices, but with additional currencies now introduced it's a different ballgame for the publishers vis-a-vis their other distribution contracts.
Exactly the jist that I got from G-Doc's post, before there was only one currency i.e. USD on GOG for all games except a few that are regionally priced like The Witcher 3 and Divinity Original Sin to name a couple. But since GOG is now offering more local currency options like Euro, Pounds Sterling, Australian Dollars, and Roubles while trying to keep them close to USD prices this provides an opportunity to publishers which they didn't have before. Meaning since there was no other currency option before they had to comply with one world fair price to have their games on GOG, but since GOG now has more regionally priced games as well as the option for ALL games to be purchased in local currencies some publishers can now exploit this.

All the people cursing the regional price detractors as the culprits in this removal of games are not paying enough attention to read between the lines of what G-Doc said in his post. Local currency option is a good addition as more options is always a good thing but it has consequently created a scenario where most publishers and partners of GOG will follow this new pricing model for additional local currencies closer to the USD prices and some won't. It seems that someone at Nordic now probably wanted a similar kind of deal as it has with other digital distributors to charge more for the additional local currencies instead of an almost similar price to the USD one world one price policy which is now changed to Fair Price Package Because $1 is not €1.

So in summation the games are not going away because of lack of regional pricing but they are infact being removed because of the introduction of other local currency payment options added by GOG for ALL the games instead of just the one or two that we had the regional pricing for before.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by stg83
undeadcow: Interestingly ALL titles just got more expensive for users with the exception of European (cheaper) and American (same) currencies.
The difference should be compensated by the lack of conversion fee, also IIRC they said that it would be possible to continue paying in dollars should you want too.
I hope GOG makes completely clear what was the cause of the issue, because I still see people pointing fingers at every involved party and apparently they do not have clear what was the real cause of this, I for instance do not have it clear at all.
Gersen: The difference should be compensated by the lack of conversion fee, also IIRC they said that it would be possible to continue paying in dollars should you want too.
You can pay in $... at a higher $ price. :P
Example: Blackguards is now $59.29 as opposed to the previous $44.99 price.
Grargar: You can pay in $... at a higher $ price. :P
Example: Blackguards is now $59.29 as opposed to the previous $44.99 price.
Simple: This game also got regional pricing added today. That's a different story altogether.
Wurzelkraft: Simple: This game also got regional pricing added today. That's a different story altogether.
I know that; after all I was the one that informed Sinistar. :P
Petrell: There is one (ugly) possibility, the regional difference Nordic wanted is greater than GOG 30% cut would cover.

...Maybe someone should check how they're priced elsewhere...
On SpellForce 1, for example, is $9.99, 8.99 pounds ($16.56), and 9.99 euros ($13.19).

This might be an issue; excepting that G-Doc explicitly states the issue is GOG's current conversion pricing tiers and not regional pricing.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by undeadcow
Grargar: I know that; after all I was the one that informed Sinistar. :P
I know. Thing is...most games have a "correct" conversion and remain the same when paying with dollars. :)
Wurzelkraft: I know. Thing is...most games have a "correct" conversion and remain the same when paying with dollars. :)
Disappointing decision by Nordic Games..

Thanks for the heads up though, GOG.
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Thanks GoG for letting us know, right on time, before s*it happens! Grrr, this time, copyright holders surpassed ALL decency! The hell?? Removing GOTHIC, from good old games? THE, Gothic??? Especially the 2 gold, will be a heavy and crucial loss.

On the other hand, come on everyone, visit that crap called steam store, and search for the titles that are going to be removed from GoG here... Exactly! Almost 80% of the games that are going to be removed from here, they are going to be sold or continue being sold, over there, on the cornerstore of that obese bastard!

Get those titles because some of them are really good (especially gothic and amnesia, or even penumbra). I am so going to get myself some until tuesday... But after the s*itstorm hits us Goglodytes, DON'T, FOR THE LOVE OF GOG and GOD, buy them as steam junk there. If you happen to miss the goodbye sales for ANY reason, Cereal Killers and other assorted associates, give away these titles, in KAT -MEOWOW-! Get them in Kat's place -MEOWOW-!

Remember, after this new insult and cowardly hit, ANYONE buying ANY of these titles on steam, will be a faqing retard, traitor, and indirect associate to the backstabs and hits against GoG and DRM Free cause, none the wiser also.
I upvoted you for truth. Make of that what you will.
This is really sad news. We seem to be losing games faster then they get added to GoG. Why are these games dropping out?
VanishedOne: From

Unfortunately, we need to drop some titles from our classic catalog, as we currently have no way to keep their pricing in line with our standards. In such cases, we always do our best to give you an advance warning and a last chance to purchase such games - preferably with a considerable discount. Check this news post to find out which titles are being removed from our catalog, when will it happen, and what parting discounts for them do we currently offer.
What is the pricing issue, gog's or the publisher's? That gog doesn't want to sell them for less, or the publisher doesn't want to sell them for the current price, or what?

This is disappointing. The whole central point of gog is to make the older games available, and this is doing the opposite. If it's a gog pricing issue, they should adjust their policy - put the customer first and keep availability.

Maybe the publisher is being unreasonable, not much to do about that I guess. But more explanation should be given.
I hate to see Nordic Games pulling out, though I have all of their titles that I was interested in getting. However, they had not released Spellforce 2: Faith In Destiny to GoG yet which was a title I was hoping would come here.