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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
DreadMoth: 4:3 ratio seems fine from what I've seen - however the site doesn't seem to support low or narrow/portrait resolutions (anything less than ~1152 pixels wide) very well.
You might be able to work around the issue by zooming out a bit (if your browser has the option).
ReynardFox: Yeah the layout screws me at 1024x768.

Zooming out makes everything awfully squashed.
I think it's just the forums (and any other pages sporting the legacy site CSS) that don't have a responsive navigation bar. Since the pages themselves aren't responsive, I guess they saw no need to make the navigation responsive either.
Nordic is leaving? Unacceptable.
None of the current movies interests me.
I dislike the new interface, a lot. It's no longer unique.

Roll the entire site back to yesterday.
high rated
loki21: you think paying 50% more is 'entitled' and 'cheapskate'? seriously?
fortune_p_dawg: Yes I do. I don't make a ton of money and would GLADLY pay a premium for getting new titles DRM-free. Hell, I'd pay more for every and any title here, WILLINGLY just to make my point. Seems people would rather see GOG die a slow death than give up this 'principal.' Because without games there will be no GOG. Eventually there won't be anyone left to buy Ultima VII or one of the Witcher titles because everyone will own them. Then what? Do you think GOG pays its employees checks of goodwill and customer hugs?
Oh Lord would you buy me a mercedes benz... Seriously, we don't know the reason why the publishers leave. But just think in another way, if they really believe to remove early-gog-releases to show their power and to get their will for regional pricing, then it's easy what else they want from gog. It's not only about higher prices for some regions, that's just the beginning. Next step ist regional restrictions, censorship, etc. At the beginning there was a good reason why GOG decided to have only on price for everyone and forced the publishers to accept only the whole package like drm-free or one world-price - it's easy to handle and prevents cherry-picking for publishers and discrimination of customers. But as we had these discussions months ago and we really don't know the exact reason it makes absolutely no sense to start that discussion again.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by DukeNukemForever
TDP: I'd rather have regional pricing and have more games on GOG. As long as they stay DRM-free. Seriously... price is negotiable, while DRM is always an abomination by its very nature.
expopower: I think it's just the forums (and any other pages sporting the legacy site CSS) that don't have a responsive navigation bar. Since the pages themselves aren't responsive, I guess they saw no need to make the navigation responsive either.
Yeah it seems to be a lot better (but still ugly) on the main page. I tend to end up using those menu shortcuts while in the forum far more than on the main page though so it's really annoying.

Oh, and I just went to use said new search feature.

Instead of being able to type wildcards and get results all i can do is go to a search page?

Is anything in this update actually a good thing?
Post edited August 27, 2014 by ReynardFox
high rated
Screw 'em. I won't throw money at them now to buy their games here at a discount, and I won't buy them elsewhere later on. If they decide to play ball and bring 'em back to GOG, then I'll consider buying them. But if they want to take their ball and go home, then I say "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out".
This... is... disconcerting, but no cause for alarm. Speaking for myself I am a little bit confused and saddened by Frictional's decision to pull two of their games, which doesn't bode well for the third. As for Nordic Games all I can say is, good riddance!!
high rated
For what it's worth, I sent a PM to ThomNG, begging Nordic Games to reconsider. This is beyond awful news.
DukeNukemForever: But as we had these discussions months ago and we really don't know the exact reason it makes absolutely no sense to start that discussion again.
This, emphasis is mine.
Does anyone know if Jack Keane 1 and Amnesia :A Machine for Pigs will be removed ?
foxworks: When Bohemia pulled ArmA, the gift codes I purchased remained valid weeks after. ;-)
EDIT: And would have remained valid indefinitely
IAmSinistar: Don't be so sure. I just figured out what the dead code on my Gifts list is - it's Original War. One I paid for.
Probably a glitch. I suggest you contact support. JMich had mentioned in the past that a user had a similar problem with the gift code of a removed game and after contacting support, the problem was fixed.
ReynardFox: Yeah the layout screws me at 1024x768.

Zooming out makes everything awfully squashed.
If you zoom in a bit on the main page you should get the mobile site layout, which might work a bit better if the buttons display correctly.

For some reason the top "menu bar" scales differently when you view the forum compared to viewing the store pages (and seems to lack the mobile layout option).

EDIT: does not scale well at 3840x2160 :S
Post edited August 27, 2014 by DreadMoth
If you thought those twenty or so titles that were removed were much, what do you think now with this -35?
A big hit on GOG I would say.
If this kind of behavior continues, those 1000 active games in catalog will be reached with lot of day one indie platformers with reserved place in amok's thread.
Alterego1972: Does anyone know if Jack Keane 1 and Amnesia :A Machine for Pigs will be removed ?
Jack Keane 1 won't be removed, because it's from a different publisher. Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs seems to be safe for now.
TDP: I'd rather have regional pricing and have more games on GOG. As long as they stay DRM-free. Seriously... price is negotiable, while DRM is always an abomination by its very nature.
pacciulli: This.
If there's something GOG needs it's MORE GAMES, not less.
Someone really fucked up here.