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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
foxworks: Yes. The code is valid indefinitely :)
ReynardFox: Will they be though? Weren't the Fallout codes invalid once the sale ended?
Once again, the Fallout codes were invalid because they were free. Any code that has been paid for, can still be redeemed later.
high rated
tfishell: ... This is bad. Actually, horrible.

But we wanted no regional pricing and GOG stuck by us.
PixelBoy: Well, it's a damned if you don't and damned if you do thing.

If there's no regional pricing, then some games never enter catalog.

If there's regional pricing, half of the customers gets screwed by every purchase.

I still prefer to suffer from a weaker catalog, with fair pricing.
Publishers who play this game really shoot themselves in the leg with this policy. At least, they lose my money, regional or not, entirely.
Luckily, the world is full of games, including indies and freeware and all, so with a backlog that is almost literally larger than life, there's no immediate need to be buying any new titles from unfair publishers.
^ This.

Honestly, I wasn't amongst the ones who opposed regional pricing the most, but if GOG decided to stick by it because some took issue with it, all the better. I think a company showing this level of integrity and respect for the wishes of their customers is a rare thing and worthy of praise. They took the 'hard' route - in fact the new currency options make things even BETTER as for example I would have to pay 1 £ of conversion fee to my bank every time I bought in $. In this world, I think it deserves recognition.
The stupid, harmful ones are the publishers who pull out because they can't have their way with DRM or regional pricing or other bullshit. Guess what guys: YOU WANNA MAKE MONEY, YOU MAKE GOOD GAMES. Not pull this kind of crap to spill us a few dollars more. If GOG can push DRM free AND fair priced games, all the better. I say in the long run this point of view will be the one to win, and whoever jumped off this wagon will actually regret it. Too bad. Then we'll look down on them from our wagon we stayed on and go all "tee-hee, this is OUR wagon and you can't get on it and your mother smells of eldeberries!" and show our tongues and make funny faces at them.
Or something.
But basically that, yeah.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by Gan_HOPE326
foxworks: Yes. The code is valid indefinitely :)
ReynardFox: Will they be though? Weren't the Fallout codes invalid once the sale ended?
Some other codes seem to have been removed from gift history by the site update. E.g. the Witcher code from the buy-anything-and-get-The-Witcher promo now shows up as 'invalid' and isn't in my gift history. I suspect that's some kind of glitch, though.
fortune_p_dawg: Holy crap, this is some crazy shit. I wonder if this has anything to do with the regional pricing thing... Ugh, I swear the internet is full of so many entitled cheapskate motherfuckers. This makes me angry, if it is indeed the case. Though Black Mirror was added only a month ago, so maybe that's not the case. But if it is, I pray that those who huffed and puffed and pounded their flabby chests get their computers fried in a lightning storm. Yeah, I said it. I wish death upon your computers and I hope your external HDDs go corrupt over night.
loki21: you think paying 50% more is 'entitled' and 'cheapskate'? seriously?
Yes I do. I don't make a ton of money and would GLADLY pay a premium for getting new titles DRM-free. Hell, I'd pay more for every and any title here, WILLINGLY just to make my point. Seems people would rather see GOG die a slow death than give up this 'principal.' Because without games there will be no GOG. Eventually there won't be anyone left to buy Ultima VII or one of the Witcher titles because everyone will own them. Then what? Do you think GOG pays its employees checks of goodwill and customer hugs?
If pricing is the problem, I'll just leave this here:
DRM-freedom > fair pricing
fortune_p_dawg: Ugh, I swear the internet is full of so many entitled cheapskate motherfuckers.
krycek: I see you're from the United States, can you start paying me the deficit when someone decides I should pay 25-50% more?
I'd pay the deficit on games I buy, absolutely. Hell I've thought for a long time that games were too cheap on here, almost to the point of devaluing the product by price-point alone. I'd don't have a hobby like gaming expecting it to be a 'cheap' ride. I do expect the games I do buy to be DRM-free however. And if GOG needs to charge a global premium to get NEW games DRM-free, then so be it. That's just my opinion anyway, so meh.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by fortune_p_dawg
foxworks: There was no expiration on the ones I just purchased. As always, they should be still valid after they're pulled
IAmSinistar: My expectation as well. But I'd hate to lay out real money for another Fallout situation to unfold. I consider that unlikely though, as those were free keys that were heavily abused.
When Bohemia pulled ArmA, the gift codes I purchased remained valid weeks after. ;-)
EDIT: And would have remained valid indefinitely
Post edited August 27, 2014 by foxworks
low rated
This sucks. At this rate I'll just give up on being loyal to gog for Good Old Games and start purchasing them elsewhere.
JinseiNGC224: I knew this was going to happen after the huge pricing stink.

I say BRING THEM BACK and price them at whatever you need to.

This is an enormous hit to the catalog, too much to be exact. You already lost another publisher (for the Arma's) a bit ago, not to mention the Fallout's at the end of last year. Words can't describe how irrate this makes me, and I was never one of the people who hated GOG for wanting to put in regional pricing.

I feel as if this is the reality check to those who cared so much for fair pricing with no exceptions, and the lame movie selection is only supposed to try to soften the blow and fill in the gap. But people don't want movies right now. They want games.

With no good selection of games, this site will fall into the shadows. I say screw fair pricing.

A few extra bucks, or no game at all? I'll go with option A.
I would agree. Its sad that the few cheap people are going to be the down fall of GOG in the end. We are going to run out of games from the 80s-90s to put up on this site. And in turn because people are being so cheap that they don't want to spend 15-50 which is still cheaper than most Playstation 4 games a lot of people are going to start moving to steam as that is where the newer games will be heading. If you don't want to dish out the money for a more expensive game that's your deal but now you have ruined it for the rest of the gamers here on GOG who was willing to support GOG in bringing newer and DRM free games here to the site. Its a sad day and random "movies" added to the site is not going to change the fact we are losing a lot of good games now and in the future.
loki21: you think paying 50% more is 'entitled' and 'cheapskate'? seriously?
fortune_p_dawg: Yes I do. I don't make a ton of money and would GLADLY pay a premium for getting new titles DRM-free. Hell, I'd pay more for every and any title here, WILLINGLY just to make my point. Seems people would rather see GOG die a slow death than give up this 'principal.' Because without games there will be no GOG. Eventually there won't be anyone left to buy Ultima VII or one of the Witcher titles because everyone will own them. Then what? Do you think GOG pays its employees checks of goodwill and customer hugs?
Couldn't agree more.
ReynardFox: Also, this new site layout is a mess and doesn't properly support my 4:3 monitor. The search option is almost completely scrolled off screen.
4:3 ratio seems fine from what I've seen - however the site doesn't seem to support low or narrow/portrait resolutions (anything less than ~1152 pixels wide) very well.
You might be able to work around the issue by zooming out a bit (if your browser has the option).
Post edited August 27, 2014 by DreadMoth
undeadcow: Did GOG edit the original post? I could have sworn there was an explaination that these titles had prices GOG did not feel could remain on offer at a price near GOG's perception of retail expectations (versus suggestion that regional pricing is at fault).

I see your point, it's an equivilant price... but not necessarily a "fair" price indicating reasonable market value relative to other games of the same age and type.
Wurzelkraft: [...]Unfortunately, we need to drop some titles from our classic catalog, as we currently have no way to keep their pricing in line with our standards.[...]

This sentence got changed.
Probably due to its inflammatory nature. (As evidenced by the deluge of angry replies in this topic.)
ReynardFox: Also, this new site layout is a mess and doesn't properly support my 4:3 monitor. The search option is almost completely scrolled off screen.
DreadMoth: 4:3 ratio seems fine from what I've seen - however the site doesn't seem to support low or narrow/portrait resolutions (anything less than ~1152 pixels wide) very well.
You might be able to work around the issue by zooming out a bit (if your browser has the option).
Yeah the layout screws me at 1024x768.

Zooming out makes everything awfully squashed.
I wonder if this has anything to do with their plans to publish under the THQ label instead of as Nordic Games.
foxworks: When Bohemia pulled ArmA, the gift codes I purchased remained valid weeks after. ;-)
EDIT: And would have remained valid indefinitely
Don't be so sure. I just figured out what the dead code on my Gifts list is - it's Original War. One I paid for.