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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Magmarock: Honestly is using your own pricing system really necessary. How about just using USD for everything. A game that costs $20 USD for everyone around the globe seems fair and simple. I'm not bothered that it's not in my currency. What does bother me is paying more because of where I live and losing so many awesome games.
Piranjade: *shrugs* Others are bothered by conversion charges that can occur if you don' pay in your own currency.
Actually due to GOGs unfavorable exchange rates (because of the silly "it has to be a 9 at the end" price rule, see below) the games I have bought from the last 2 promos would have been more expensive in Euros without a conversion charge than in Dollars including the conversion charge.

$ ........ € ........ exchange rate
4.99 ... 3.79 ... 1.3166
2.49 ... 1.89 ... 1.3175
2.39 ... 1.89 ... 1.2646 ... same price in Euros for $2.49 and $2.39 *sigh*
1.99 ... 1.59 ... 1.2516
1.49 ... 1.19 ... 1.2521

Only the first 2 prices have an exchange rate which is near the official exchange rate. So especially if you buy older, cheaper games with higher discounts the Euro prices are worse than the Dollar prices.

Edit: Ooops, the posting mechanism eats up my formatting with multiple spaces. Hope the currency table is more readable now.
Post edited September 02, 2014 by eiii
Matruchus: But probably the prices are so low now cause they have a summer sale going on at the moment.
PaterAlf: No, it has nothing to do with the summer sale. There are several games that have always been cheaper on ShinyLoot. There are also several games that you can't buy on GOG, even if the developers are already here (or were here in case of Nordic).
Thanks to these recent posts, and GOG's 'fresher' new look, I have now heard of Shiny Loot. Thanks! I would have never known about this, or never thought of checking it out if GOG would have still been using the awesome classic site. Who knew that other sites sold DRM free titles also.
jalister: Thanks to these recent posts, and GOG's 'fresher' new look, I have now heard of Shiny Loot. Thanks! I would have never known about this, or never thought of checking it out if GOG would have still been using the awesome classic site. Who knew that other sites sold DRM free titles also.
You also have DotEmu for drm-free games :)
I'll just mention that I stockpiled some of these titles for future trading. List here.

Hopefully some of these will become valuable later. I know I would give a shiny penny for the Fallout titles on GOG. *sigh*
yogsloth: I'll just mention that I stockpiled some of these titles for future trading. List here.

Hopefully some of these will become valuable later. I know I would give a shiny penny for the Fallout titles on GOG. *sigh*
You joined GOG on that fateful month and you missed them?! O_O
Grargar: OK, let me try to explain a bit regarding GamersGate, because the term "downloader" can be confusing. When you choose to download a Windows version of a game on GamersGate, you don't automatically download the game from the site itself, but instead a special downloader that needs to be run and will start fetching the specific game's files by itself. When it's done, the downloader will automatically launch the game's setup and it's at this point where you need to use the infamous GamersGate workaround to backup the game. But, if the game in question has a Mac and/or Linux version, you can actually download it directly from GamersGate like you could download a file from every site.

As for DotEmu and ShinyLoot, they both have browser downloads and no downloader that I'm aware of. Keep in mind that while DotEmu is completely DRM-Free, ShinyLoot isn't, as it carries some Steam-only games and some other of its games have an online serial activation. Thankfully, each game on ShinyLoot does indicate its DRM on its product description.
Thanks for the explanation. Until this current mess on GOG I did not know there were other even completely DRM free stores. And although GamersGate doesn't look like if it fits for me it's good to know that there are alternatives when GOG switches to an even more "old games and older systems are not so welcome here anymore" strategy.
yogsloth: I'll just mention that I stockpiled some of these titles for future trading. List here.

Hopefully some of these will become valuable later. I know I would give a shiny penny for the Fallout titles on GOG. *sigh*
Grargar: You joined GOG on that fateful month and you missed them?! O_O
I joined December 31... THE last day! Yes, somehow, I created my account but wasn't familiar enough with the site to find the deal or even be aware of what was going on. Dammit!
jalister: Thanks to these recent posts, and GOG's 'fresher' new look, I have now heard of Shiny Loot. Thanks! I would have never known about this, or never thought of checking it out if GOG would have still been using the awesome classic site. Who knew that other sites sold DRM free titles also.
Matruchus: You also have DotEmu for drm-free games :)
Thanks, I've known about DotEmu for quite a while. I would only purchase things on DotEmu that I couldn't get on GOG. I would even rebuy a game on GOG when it finally became available. Those days are over now that GOG just wants to look like every other store. So now it's first come first bought, and price will also be a deciding factor.

I won't boycott GOG, even with how much I hate the new site (and I really hate it). They made huge gains in DRM free gaming, and I love my DRM free games. But my sense of loyalty to one store has been lost, especially with all the other DRM free options out there, and the fact that GOG just looks like any other store now.
yogsloth: I joined December 31... THE last day! Yes, somehow, I created my account but wasn't familiar enough with the site to find the deal or even be aware of what was going on. Dammit!
Wow, talking about blinking and missing it. Truthfully speaking, though, the free offer was actually on 13-15 December. From then on, you could buy all 3 of them for $10.
Grargar: Wow, talking about blinking and missing it. Truthfully speaking, though, the free offer was actually on 13-15 December. From then on, you could buy all 3 of them for $10.
...and I'd gladly pay double that today, if only it were possible. :(
yogsloth: I'll just mention that I stockpiled some of these titles for future trading. List here.

Hopefully some of these will become valuable later. I know I would give a shiny penny for the Fallout titles on GOG. *sigh*
It appears any site that carries the Fallout classics has Steam DRM. Good job Bethesda. You may want to grab one of these before they disappear forever. The games are DRM free. Even though I have them on GOG, a bought the disk a while back.
is someone here, who would sell gog versions of gothic 2/3 and re-volt to me?
i really need them on gog!
honx: is someone here, who would sell gog versions of gothic 2/3 and re-volt to me?
i really need them on gog!
To be honest with you, I doubt you'll find someone who has a copy of Re-Volt. Gothic 2 and 3 are much more viable possibilities. At any rate, feel free to try your luck at GOG's trading thread (Make sure to read the rules on the first post).
Post edited September 02, 2014 by Grargar
Some of the last known stockpiles of the lost games are being assembled here. Though frankly I'd rather these games return to GOG than personally be one of the few sources for them.
JohnnyDollar: DRM-free is what brought me here. I think GOG's leadership have made a mistake, but it's their business, not mine. They can do what they want with it. *shrugs* I think it's going to cost them. Time will tell whether they regret it or not.
+1, how true. Hopefully they take their time, think about their strategy and do not only listen to the loudest people here and there and rush out another bad decision.