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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Grargar: Then they would also pull their catalog from all other places (DotEmu, GamersGate and ShinyLoot), so I would say no to the Steam scenario.
Matruchus: Yes but those stores that you are talking about are more or less drm stores even DotEmu has drm on some games.
DotEmu doesn't have any DRM on their games; I'm not sure where you got that info. At any rate, besides 4-6 games from those leaving, the rest can be found on the aforementioned stores, either DRM-Free or with an offline serial key.
Games on DotEmu are also DRM free ... Grargar is absolutelly right!
Zoidberg: Even with the poor administration of the taxes here (as there's poor administration in the US too, and anywhere), I'm relatively OK with the idea behind taxes. Without them, I'd probably be DEAD. So, yeah...
50% of the taxes we pay are used to serve useful, necessary or essential purposes. The problem is all the gravy machinery that has been built to "consume" the other 50%.. That part of the money is actually diverted towards all kind of structures that actually make a living out of it. That money could be used to provide much better services to the people, or could be left in the consumption circuit.

On ne construit pas un paradis social sur un champs de ruines économique.

Zoidberg: Anyway, I bet you're Flemish. :D
Mouais,pas tout à fait . il doit y avoir 25% de sang flamand dans mes veines et 25% de sang français.
MetalPlateMage: As for the "encrypted installer" - some GG downloads come with a custom installer that needs to be run through the downloader app, though you should be able to install the game just fine without it as there are generally just generic installers instead.
Maybe it has changed since I downloaded GG games the last time. As I recall, back then each GG game (which you download from GG, not e.g. Steam keys) had its own separate downloader application, and with that you had to make sure you copy the temp files to a safe place (in order to keep a DRM-free installer), before you exit that app.

I guess I'll know soon enough, I'll redownload my GG games.

EDIT: Ok I saw the additional discussion about it. Anyway, as long as people know how to obtain the DRM-free installer from GG.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by timppu
I'm curious to see what will happen if I load games in my cart and they are removed from the catalog before I purchase them. Will they disappear from my cart? If I try to buy them will GOG deny the sale?
Grargar: ...if Nordic is removing those games to avoid upsetting their partners (because most of their games are available elsewhere), then why is Silver leaving? The game is not available for purchase anywhere else other than GOG.
Good point.

Maybe Nordic is over generalizing their pricing structure into set tiers, not necessarily by specific game, and having Silver (even if exclusive to GOG) at a different price point is disproportionate. ...or maybe Nordic is trying to lump many of it's games together to get more "bargaining power" (possibly even GOG is doing this).
Post edited August 31, 2014 by undeadcow
Piranjade: *shrugs* Others are bothered by conversion charges that can occur if you don' pay in your own currency.

I believe that the Nordic games will return.
Just wait and see. :-D
Magmarock: What about frictional I was jumping for joy when Amnesia and Penumbra arrived.
For future titles I can imagine having them here but for Amnesia and Penumbra ... I don't believe that they'll come back. :-(
But keep in mind that that's just my personal opinion.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by Piranjade
Which games would you guys recommend I'd get before they get wiped from

So far I got:

- Gothic 2 Gold Edition
- Gothic 3
- Penumbra Collection, The
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Painkiller Black Edition
- Silver
- Black Mirror, The
- Black Mirror 2
- Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich
Post edited August 31, 2014 by Phil84
Phil84: Which games would you guys recommend I'd get before they get wiped off

So far I got:

- Gothic 2 Gold Edition
- Gothic 3
- Penumbra Collection, The
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Painkiller Black Edition
- Silver
- Black Mirror, The
- Black Mirror 2
- Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich
Spellforce games are a fun mixture of RPG and RTS. Red Faction is apparently good, if you're into shooters.
Summoner is also a good RPG. I played it on the PS2 so I don't know if it works well on PC ( specially chain attacks).
Zoidberg: Even with the poor administration of the taxes here (as there's poor administration in the US too, and anywhere), I'm relatively OK with the idea behind taxes. Without them, I'd probably be DEAD. So, yeah...
Phc7006: 50% of the taxes we pay are used to serve useful, necessary or essential purposes. The problem is all the gravy machinery that has been built to "consume" the other 50%.. That part of the money is actually diverted towards all kind of structures that actually make a living out of it. That money could be used to provide much better services to the people, or could be left in the consumption circuit.

On ne construit pas un paradis social sur un champs de ruines économique.

Zoidberg: Anyway, I bet you're Flemish. :D
Phc7006: Mouais,pas tout à fait . il doit y avoir 25% de sang flamand dans mes veines et 25% de sang français.
Ah ben dis comme ça, c'est déjà plus défendable...
wolfy85: Checked it out of curiosity, it's already used. It was locked during transaction, not Gog-s fault ;)
Gnostic: Well truelick beat you to the punch. (...)
Not really. I wouldn't take it because I don't really have time to play it. It would be rather bad to take a game just to rust in my library, when someone else can enjoy it ;)

But I get your point now about problems with gift codes. It's probably new site labour pains. As professional dev with few years and projects under his belt I can assure you that it's pretty normal. They should iron it out rather fast.
Not that you are wrong to be angered, you've put your money and you have any right to complain. I just felt a little bit of sympathy towards them after all this "regional pricing" debate.

Phil84: Which games would you guys recommend I'd get before they get wiped from

So far I got:

- Gothic 2 Gold Edition
- Gothic 3
- Penumbra Collection, The
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Painkiller Black Edition
- Silver
- Black Mirror, The
- Black Mirror 2
- Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich
From those that you don't have I would look at "Summoner". I see you've picked few RPG's, you may want to check this one. Never played it for large amounts of time, but heard a lot of good things about it. I personally have PS2 version that I'm planning to give it a spin at some point in the future.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by wolfy85
wolfy85: As professional dev with few years and projects under his belt
so share please your opinion on this:

if the publishers just drop the prices everywhere else instead of removing the games here, more people buy them and in the end they get more money, so everyone wins.

do i see it wrong?
Post edited August 31, 2014 by apehater
Nevermind. Just being an idiot. :)

Also, why isn't The Book of Unwritten Tales part of the sale? It's publisher is listed as Nordic Games. The same goes for Critter Chronicles and Raven.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by zaine-h
zaine-h: Is it me or did Penumbra and Amnesia switch publishers? I swear it was Nordic before.
Just your idea. Ever since their release, the games have been self-published.

zaine-h: Also, why isn't The Book of Unwritten Tales part of the sale? It's publisher is listed as Nordic Games. The same goes for Critter Chronicles and Raven.
The Book of Unwritten Tales games, along with The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, won't be removed from the catalog, which is why they are not part of the sale. Interestingly, they are now regionally-priced.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by Grargar
zaine-h: snip~
Grargar: The Book of Unwritten Tales games, along with The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, won't be removed from the catalog, which is why they are not part of the sale. Interestingly, they are now regionally-priced.
It's interesting that neither Frictional nor Nordic is fully pulling out. Of course, the only games left are the ones I wouldn't consider so they are as good as gone any. :/
MetalPlateMage: No workaround needed. When the GG downloader is done it'll give you the option of whether to clear the "temporary" files or not - the "temporary" files are the installer files, so just say no then and it stays. Look for a directory called "GamersGate temporary files" in the same directory as the GG downloader, and inside there will be directories consisting of numbers (unique to each game), and inside those directories are the installer files. Also, if you launch the GG downloader again with the installation files still present it won't re-download them.
Does GG also have a linux downloader or is it windows only?
Magmarock: Honestly is using your own pricing system really necessary. How about just using USD for everything. A game that costs $20 USD for everyone around the globe seems fair and simple. I'm not bothered that it's not in my currency. What does bother me is paying more because of where I live and losing so many awesome games.
Piranjade: *shrugs* Others are bothered by conversion charges that can occur if you don' pay in your own currency.
Yes, of course. But these are low (otherwise you should start to blame your bank for unfair pricing and not GOG!) and I rather pay the conversion charges than having this multi-currency mess now and lose games because of it.
Post edited August 31, 2014 by eiii