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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Zoidberg: I'm just really dissapointed at Frictional Games (Amnesia, Penumbra) and I'll gladly boycott their upcoming games. I'm just wondering why Machine for Pigs is still there, another publisher and dev, right?
Machine for Pigs is also same publisher, Frictional Games. Weird.
high rated
EDIT 2: Response from ThomNG (Nordic):

EDIT: Okay, I was incredibly irritated when I first saw the changes. Now I'm feeling better, so I'll calmly talk about some of this stuff:

As far as the new look to the site goes, I don't like it. The earlier look was simple and was easy to navigate, now it's all cluttered and doesn't look all that appealing (at least to me). Now (from looking at it right now, and the fact that a few people actually replied to my post) notifications don't seem to be useful. It just displays a number, but it doesn't tell me what it's for. A reply? Shows up on the forum, but anywhere else (like on the top bar) it's not as obvious. I also used Barefoot Essentials, so now some of the stuff I did find useful are now gone. This genuinely feels like a downgrade, but at least (in the dedicated thread about the changes) they're listening to the feedback.

The DRM-Free movies update sounded interesting, but I genuinely can't get excited for it when the first few movies to premier in this update is that brony documentary. Well, I guess you have to start somewhere.

Looking at some of the responses in the thread, it seems like there might be contract issues or the change with currency conversions with some of these games (but you never know until they clarify). Chances are we're probably never going to find out the entirety of the situation, but it's still sad to see them go.

So...not entirely happy with this update, but it's not really enough for me to outright boycott the site. Seriously, there's still the idea of certain games coming here (Crimzon Clover), and I want to spend money here instead of Steam (which I don't really mind in all honesty, but I prefer my games here and DRM-Free). GOG, please don't fuck things up even further. I want to be excited about Galaxy, but I'm not so sure now after this update.

Anyways, I'm off to do something else.

Original Angry Post (Just Ignore It): Oh joy, where to begin:

-A new look to the site, which looks like shit.
-Movies, which I don't want anything to do with after seeing that god damn brony documentary in the catalog.
-And now games are being removed from the site, 35 to be exact.

What a wonderful update. I sure can't wait for GOG Galaxy to fuck things up even further.
Post edited August 28, 2014 by RayRay13000
Matruchus: I don't think this is about regional pricing since about two weeks ago Nordic was talking about bringing more games here. They must have had some falling out with gog.
undeadcow: Even if there was a falling out... wouldn't contacts require these titles be available for a certain duration?

With Bohemian Studios it was clear the license to sell was expiring on a specified date, with Fallout removal the titles were changing hands at an expected date. Sometimes titles are removed because there is a legal question. It seems very odd for there to be a sudden loss of active publisher who had announced impending titles.
Also its two publishers leaving - Nordic games and Frictional games (Amnesia and Penumbra games).
Sad to see that list...
Especially for Spellforce, The Guild and Gothic series (I hadn't tried other games).
I really hope that games from that list will come back some day, publishers and gog coming to an agreement in the foreseem future concerning pricing.

Wasteland 2 is confirmed though.
undeadcow: Don't fall for this obvious ploy to push sales of Jack Keane 2!
Touché! :D
RayRay13000: Oh joy, where to begin:

-A new look to the site, which looks like shit.
-Movies, which I don't want anything to do with after seeing that god damn brony documentary in the catalog.
-And now games are being removed from the site, 35 to be exact.

What a wonderful update. I sure can't wait for GOG Galaxy to fuck things up even further.
Leroux: But that release was less spectacular, as DRM-free versions of BM2 were already sold on other stores, at least the English version.
Grargar: Red Faction 1+2 are also DRM-Free on GamersGate.
Hm, good point. So unless they're also going to be removed from GamersGate, I don't need to buy RF2 now just out of worry I won't get another chance. I bet this is all just a ruse to trick us into buying games we don't really felt the need to buy, just because it might be the 'last chance'. :P
Argh, so many going away!
This is very disappointing.

Especially since i own a shebang of these... (Gothic, Spellforce, Desperados, Guild, Aquanox, Nations)-Collections
Now i guess i won't see updates to gog galaxy for these...

Fuck you Nordic Games. Hope your happy having one more person pirating your games...

And no, having them on sale on shop xy is not going to cut it, in todays digital distibution age either it's available on gog (or on steam in a sale bundle for <€1 per game (because thats how i value a rental)) or it's not. Unless i can transfer my 800 purchases over to the new shop xy in town 4free.
Matruchus: Also its two publishers leaving - Nordic games and Frictional games (Amnesia and Penumbra games).
Since Frictional Games' Machine for Pigs is not on the last chance list, it's possible they are not entirely leaving GOG (or that Machine will just depart at a later date).
Can I say I want an explanation of why this is happening from BOTH GOG and the 2 publishers involved?
TDP: Doesn't Nordic also publish Titan Quest and Alan Wake now? Seems like a pretty big blow to GOG if they're no longer on good terms with them for whatever reason.
Yes on Titan Quest, but not necessarily on Alan Wake, as Alan Wake is self-published here, on Humble Store and on Steam.
this is such bad timing. I just spent all my monthly gaming budget (picked up the new thief game). oh well I guess ill get what I can but I don't think im ever going to buy another Nordic game after this.
high rated
tfishell: ... This is bad. Actually, horrible.

But we wanted no regional pricing and GOG stuck by us.
Well, it's a damned if you don't and damned if you do thing.

If there's no regional pricing, then some games never enter catalog.

If there's regional pricing, half of the customers gets screwed by every purchase.

I still prefer to suffer from a weaker catalog, with fair pricing.
Publishers who play this game really shoot themselves in the leg with this policy. At least, they lose my money, regional or not, entirely.
Luckily, the world is full of games, including indies and freeware and all, so with a backlog that is almost literally larger than life, there's no immediate need to be buying any new titles from unfair publishers.
So what out of the last chance titles would you say is an absolute must-buy?

I'm looking at the Guild Gold Edition and the Desperadoes games myself, since I have the Gothics, Spellforces (except Demon of the Past), Summoner, Silver, Nations Gold & Neighbours from Hell.
Terrible news but thanks for the heads-up, GOG. Bought the games that were still missing from my collection.