Wishbone: You are aware that A) not all people live alone, and B) some people have friends who occasionally visit them for the specific purpose of playing games, right? I'm pretty sure that "sharing with others" in this context means "giving copies of the game to others not in your household".
I am indeed fully aware of this. But while I'm certainly not in the position to even only guess what GoG had in mind when developing their concept, I can tell you that most every game publisher out there considers letting others play your copy on your computer fair game, but requests you to purchase an additional copy once more than one person is playing the game on more than one computer at the same time.
For example, two people playing hot seat would be fine with just one copy of the game, because they play sequential. Two people taking turns to play your game at your house would be fine as well (given that you don't charge your friend). Two people playing multi-player at the same time on different computers wouldn't be fine with the gaming industry, because they both experience the content at the same time.