kromcita: Just saw this edit and wanted to follow up. My original point was that the rep system is working as it should, and that we should stop focusing so much on it. I made this clear in multiple posts. I'm not sure if that edit was sarcasm or not.
amok: I do not think it works as intended, when for example a thread asking why all games are in English gets seriously downvoted... what is wrong with it? There are several other examples also, but this one of the most recent, any whiff of something that may be seen as a criticism of anything gog may stand for = downrep...
"thou shalt not question nor bring in doubt any of GoG's doing, as this is an abomination in the eyes of our lord"
this is the easiest example. There are also examples when someone gets downrepped no matter what they are posting, in this case the person get down ripped for who he is, not for the posts he makes - also not right in my opinion - so no, it do not work as intended. The problem with the rep system is that it is to easy, and that we are dealing with people ("A person is smart. People are dumb" -K)
But most importantly - rep do not really have any impact over anything except your own perception of your e-peen (but that is as intended...
or is it?) Yup those are the kinds of things that make me think that the rep is not working as intended.
Also in that link it says " On the other hand, ignoring posting guidelines and rules is a simple way to lose tons of rep points" and "trashy / inappropriate posts that accumulate negative reviews will be 'hidden' in the topic."
Ok, so somebody might wonder what are trashy/inappropriate comments. Those would be the ones that don't follow the forum guidelines below:(also from the link)
"Be polite and treat others just like you want them to treat you. Everyone should feel comfortable and therefore any language or content that is harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or offensive in any other way will not be tolerated. This also includes links to such content;
Search before you post. Asking a question that has been answered like 10 times in the past means you're lazy;
Stay on topic. This is especially important inside the “question / problem topics”, as they are created for the sole purpose of helping other community members. Non-constructive and off-topic posts can ruin such threads instantly;
Never post any advertisements. This includes links to other commercial items, unless it directly answers a user's question;
Don't spam or troll. Posting in topics or threads for the sole purpose of flooding and causing unrest on the forums, “bumping” existing topics or creating forum petitions won't be tolerated;
Keep within the law - submitting any materials intended to commit or promote illegal acts will get you a ban. Also, don't post any content that's not your work or to which you don't have a license."
I'm going to call bullshit if people seriously think that all of the downvoted posts have contained these violations. I've seen posts that have been downvoted just because people didn't agree with a point of view .Sure there also might have been some slightly rude comments that have also been downvoted, but a very large portion of them haven't been " harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit " or troll posts. I guess you could consider some posts" offensive in any other way" if you're not wearing big boy internet pants and can't handle any posts where somebody insinuates that you're being kind of a dumbass, but whatever. In that case even a significantly larger portion of the board should be hidden, which just goes to show that the OP is right about the inconsistency.
I would post more links that I think have been downrated unfairly, but as I have said many times in the past, the search feature isn't even worth bothering with. Also, some of the posts might have been upvoted anyway to compensate for the low rating, so they wouldn't be hidden anymore So now somebody might say "see? It doesn't matter anyway!" But the intent of the system was never to have people rate posts highly just to overcome the fact that a bunch of people had downvoted it,