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Hell yes, been looking forward to this game for a hell of a long time, shall be a day one purchase for me. Rockstar have never disappoined me with any game I've bought (fortunately I played manhunt before having the chance to buy it, damn that was a bad game, they managed to make murder boring, how does that even happen??)
DrakeFox: And having to swap discs occasionally is a bit of a caveat to me as I have an XBox
They have said that its very natural and extremely rare disc swapping on the 360, it only occurs between cases and there's apparently no swapping back needed so once you're on disc 2 you won't need to put disc 1 back in
I am, got it preordered.
Aliasalpha: (fortunately I played manhunt before having the chance to buy it, damn that was a bad game, they managed to make murder boring, how does that even happen??)
HAHA!!! I remember that game, god awful... But yeah I'll roll the dice on LA Noire. Rockstar makes pretty decent stuff for the most part.
Ric1987: I am, got it preordered.
lukipela: Can I ask why you preordered it?
Because I want the game, looks great to me. I love the setting already.
Wow, I didn't know it was multiple discs. Gosh, I'm so pissed that RDR and this aren't seeing PC releases anytime soon.
Aliasalpha: (fortunately I played manhunt before having the chance to buy it, damn that was a bad game, they managed to make murder boring, how does that even happen??)
Red_Dawn86: HAHA!!! I remember that game, god awful... But yeah I'll roll the dice on LA Noire. Rockstar makes pretty decent stuff for the most part.
Actually I wouldn't classify Manhunt as god awful. I didn't like it, but I respect it for one thing.
In a world of games which people just murder their way through tons of people, Manhunt actually managed to leave me going "ugh, no I don't want to kill these people." It made me feel downright bad for doing so, even if the body count is considerably less than your average shooter, it still managed to get me (and most of my friends who tried it) to stop and go "Is this killing really nescesary?"
Somehow most other games ought to have us actually realise how many dead bodies we leave around, and it takes a murder sim like this to make people stop and think again about what it is they're doing.

I didn't like the game. The gameplay was okay, but it made me feel bad for killing even if they were just polygons on a screen, and for that I can definately respect it.
I preordered the 360 & PS3 versions since it comes out a tiny bit later in South Africa sop I should be able to read a face off article on Eurogamer to decide which system performs better. I loved RDR and it was the only GTA style game from Rockstar that I've ever bothered to finish. I've always loved the noire genre so if they can marry the style of the genre to the same excellent story telling techniques they used in RDR then I'll be over the moon.
DrakeFox: In a world of games which people just murder their way through tons of people...
You wrote that thinking of the trailer voice guy, didn't you? Because I sure was reading it.
DrakeFox: In a world of games which people just murder their way through tons of people...
nondeplumage: You wrote that thinking of the trailer voice guy, didn't you? Because I sure was reading it.
Actually no, but I can see where it'd fit in. If anything I wrote it thinking in the "Generic Fox Newscaster" voice. Though being from Denmark I rarely see Fox news, people still do put clips on Youtube and link them around.
I thought this was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive when it was first announced way back then... So it is also an Xbox 360 title? If so, I'm in.

As for you guys waiting on Red Dead and LA Noire on PC... I'd find something to occupy your time. From everything I've read and heard, Rockstar has lost all interest in the PC platform and is not going to port anything in that direction anymore.

It is sad... but honestly, Rockstar's 3rd Person sandbox style better lends itself to a gamepad control scheme anyway, and given their sloppiness with bug control, I'm just as happy to let them build for closed systems.

I won't play FPS on a console... but I am totally in the console camp when it comes to Rockstar titles now. Especially after how miserable the final release of GTA 4 was on PC.


Anyway... I'm a huge fan of film noire. Movies like The Killers (the 1946 version), Chinatown, Devil In A Blue Dress, Double Indemnity, etc... are all just fantastic gritty fun. Now I get to play a game set in that dark shadowy world of crime, deception, and betrayal :-)
After about a year (or is it two) they did fix a lot of the issues with GTA IV as they released the update for the DLC package (episodes from liberty city), removing the need for the standalone Social Club application, and the need for signing up for said social club to even save your game.
It's still rather more cumbersome to work with than it ought to be, but it at least runs ways better and has less big bugs.

That being said, I can understand why they're in no hurry to port the game to the PC. Last GTA style game they did on the PC which was well optimized and quite playable was Vice City. San Andreas was okay but was once again falling into the unoptimized slump thing. It was nifty with the mods able to be played on it though. And the mod which allowed increase view distance, so you could stand on top of something in Los Santos and see the buildings in Las Venturas and San Fierro was a very nice touch and also would not have been at all possible if there wasn't at least some sort of optimization in the engine.

Also, I'd say you aren't missing out that much on Red Dead Redemption. for me it plays mostly like a pretty screensaver with minigames and a couple of action sequences. The gameplay is much better lent to leaning back in the couch relaxing than it is to sit up and play in front of a computer.

Then again, I'm the kind of gamer who finds computer RPGs mainly boring because they contain a lot of talking and very little in the way of actual action.
HoneyBakedHam: From everything I've read and heard, Rockstar has lost all interest in the PC platform and is not going to port anything in that direction anymore.
So did Lucasarts. They nearly went belly-up with Force Unleashed as console only, with too high production cost / the reception after the giant marketing hype.
They took their time, but it seems they learned a bit from it.

In the end it's only a matter of time, until they claim just how much they care (and always did!) for PC gamers, as the lifetime of every console is limited. We've seen this ups and downs time and time again.

HoneyBakedHam: It is sad... but honestly, Rockstar's 3rd Person sandbox style better lends itself to a gamepad control scheme anyway, and given their sloppiness with bug control, I'm just as happy to let them build for closed systems.
WTF? I've gotten an XBox fro RDR, the Saboteur and Brütal Legend. I crossed the river to Mexico in RDR but haven't touched the game in a loooong time - simply because I really hate playing with that stupid controller.
Same for Saboteur. Couldn't play it with my old ATI card, can't stand it with a sloopy controller, loved it and played it through several times with my newer Nvidia card on PC.

Controller being better suited for certain games is ridiculous horsecrap. The playing style comes from the player, not the input device he / she uses....

DrakeFox: The gameplay is much better lent to leaning back in the couch relaxing than it is to sit up and play in front of a computer.
WTF part 2.
1. How'd you know?
2. Opinions arent' facts and won't hold for others. In this case between us: that's just you.
3. I'm leaning back just fine in my big chair in front of my computer, thank you.
4. Actually seeing those snakes crystal clear on a high resolution PC monitor >>> aiming around cluelessy to find out what just hit you on a TV. Yes, that's also just an opinion. May or may not work for you, but I thought I could also allow me one.
Siannah: WTF part 2.
1. How'd you know?
2. Opinions arent' facts and won't hold for others. In this case between us: that's just you.
3. I'm leaning back just fine in my big chair in front of my computer, thank you.
4. Actually seeing those snakes crystal clear on a high resolution PC monitor >>> aiming around cluelessy to find out what just hit you on a TV. Yes, that's also just an opinion. May or may not work for you, but I thought I could also allow me one.
1. I'd know from trying to play the game on the edge of the couch and not being able to keep sitting there because it's too relaxing. I have faster paced games, or just games with more happening to me I feel like I'm wasting my time playing on the PC.
2. Indeed it's an opinion. I'm also one of the opinion that RDR isn't the greatest game to come out in 2010
3. I've got a nice big chair too in front of my computer. But leaning back makes it hard to use the mouse because it's in front of the computer, and I don't tend to use a gamepad on my PC.
and 4. I've got a 1080p 40" tv, so the game is currently clear enough, it's the colours which makes it hard to tell things from each other, not the screen. My computer would be the problem there as my mere 22" monitor would squish things more together. Again this is just based on my setup.

Sorry for making the assumption that most people who played games on a PC did it with mouse and keyboard, rather than taking a controller to make it play more like a console.
The Guardian had a 5-star review of LA Noire posted last night. It suddenly disappeared this morning. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
the gameplay looks gimmicky to me. I'd rather play Red Dead.