PenutBrittle: Heads up. The company offering the games (Kiss LTD) represents Lace Mamba Global, the former publisher of JULIA. CBE, the developer of JULIA, recently cancelled their contract after Lace Mamba refused to pay ANY royalties (allegedly claiming the game sold zero copies, even though it was on top seller lists on a few websites,
though a lot of this is in dispute).
So there is a very likely chance that Kiss and Lace Mamba are including JULIA against the developer's wishes, and seeing publishers pull stunts like that
makes me enraged. So if you're thinking about buying the bundle, keep this in mind.
Darn, that is not nice at all. This is the second incident I've heard about where Lace Mamba refused to pay. The first incident was involving Just Adventure, where they refused to pay for advertisement clicks.