grviper: It's not Cyrillic. Most likely you PC doesn't know how to decode that and produces a string of garbage.
Yes I know it is not Cyrillic as I know Russian language a little. And you are right.
I asked if someone from Russia could run this file on his/her PC to display "proper" message in Cyrillic. :)
BTW: using binary editor I've found this word "Cancel" in exe and found also the rest of text message so now there is no need retype it if someone wants to help.
Đŕńďŕęîâęŕ äŕííűő...
Óńňŕíîâůčę îáíŕđóćčë, ÷ňî óćĺ óńňŕíîâëĺíŕ áîëĺĺ íîâŕ˙ âĺđńč˙!
Распаковка данных...
Установщик обнаружил, что уже установлена более новая версия!
Now, it IS Cyrillic :D
EDIT: which translates into:
Extracting data ...
The installer found that there is a newer version!
So..... I think I would send this to 1C as this patch will not work with GOG version :( It discovers "truth" and stops.