Petrell: All in all the RPG aspect was needle thin and there was not much stategic planning ivolved as all opponents were either standing still guarding something or partrolling predetermined path.
KB:AP either needs stategic level or 10 times more dialog and more meaningful choise and consequence options that have far reaching consequences (You befriend/ally with faction a, b will attack you on sight and vice versa. You can choose route a,b,c and what ever you choose, the other two are closed for you for the rest of playthru. etc.). Several different endings are also a must determined by choises you made durring game.
I'd like to see greater depth and variety in tactical combat (the game can get grindy at times) and in the skill trees, and I wouldn't mind a little more detail in the storyline, but going too far in the direction of roleplaying games or Heroes of Might & Magic would mean trying to turn the game into something it wasn't intended to be. As it is, it's sort of a mutant hybrid of Heroes and Diablo, and I enjoy that about it.