Oh yeah.
I've been watching this game since the middle of the year, very excited for it. I'm sick to death of the pseudo realism of Oblivion and Skyrim... because that's all Bethesda can do, especially with Oblivion and lessly with Skyrim although it's still guilty, empty concequenceless worlds filled to the brim with fed ex quests and identical dungeons.... coupled with the art they are very shallow gaming experiences.. pretty but ultimately passionless. (Yes this time round Skyrim is a little less dead with more scripting going on, but for the size of the world, it's all few and far between and Oblivion was just this big dead world.)
With R:KoA at least the game looks colourful with an idiosyncratic design and a flowing combat system... I'm under no illusions that it will be just as concequenceless and fetch-ish, but at least we have something to look at, might get a laugh here and there and the action promises to flow far better.
BUT, most importantly, I'm sick to death of the whole fantasy trope (elves, orcs, blechhh!). It's all so 'standard', uninspiring and boring.. and it's REALLY saying something when you have to admit that the games industry has reduced the entire history of fantasy literature to boring sameyness. They are screwing the whole Post-Tolkien fantasy culture in to the ground with their stunning lack of originality and invention. It's a shame too.. the two biggest names in fantasy rpg.. Bioware are only capable of producing mediocre, flatness containing nothing in common with their heyday designing.. but at least they 'try' with their design (that's not a pass, just one less mark against them, their writing these day is utterly appauling), but Bethesda are guilty of way too many crimes against the fantasy RPG than can be fully mentioned here, but along with the above you can add shitty writing and a 'realism' to design that precludes the ability for any really intersting art to be produced, again no imagination just the same churned out dullness. I'll never buy Bethesda again.. BORINGGGGGGG!! and Bio have been off my list since the two abortions of DA2 and ME2, think of this.. When Bioware weren't very mainstream popular they had a reputation second to none for quality an attention to detail AND to their community, but their games are niche not having widespread appeal...BUT now they do have widespread appeal and their longtime, more discerning fans are pretty much disgusted with the crap they eject now.
I want something different and although in the same vein as the rest R:KoA seems just different enough to peak my interests... At least I'll see colours as opposed to Grey-browniness. At this point in the evolution of gaming that alone is worth my money.
Post edited December 29, 2011 by Tormentfan