marcusmaximus: I don't get how Dragon Age 2 is anything like Kindgom of Amalur from what I played of the demo of the latter. In Dragon age 2, the combat is still very much still pause and play, the central focus of the game is obviously the character interaction and story with the focus on a single city and reusing the same dungoens. Just htat Dragon Age 2 writing wasn't quite good enough for that type of game focus and the city itself was bland and the dungeons were way too repetitive.From what I played of the Kingdom of Alamur, the story was very boring and the emphasis was on the real time combat and the rather large MMO like world.
Elmofongo: I played Dragon Age 2 on the console and while there is still pause and play the game feels like it plays better without it imo, what I believed is that bioware tried to turn Dragon Age from a tactical RPG like Baldur's Gate to Action RPG like Diablo
I played both Dragon Age games on consoles. What difficutly did you play it on? I found hard on Dragon Age 2 to be just as tactical as normal on Draogn Age one.(I put dragon dage 2 on hard cause I heard it was the easier game) If anything Dragon AGe 2's controls were superior than Dragon Age one for moving my characters around and making them stay where I want. In the orignal dragon age I rememer having a difficutl time having my characters stay put verus dragon age 2 and having just an easier time putting them in positions. Dragon Age 2 did depend too much on having enemies appear out of nowhere and not having them all be on the map at the same time though.
But I guess the normal on dragon age 2 can be seen to be trying to be something like Kingdom of Almamur with the normal being able to be played as a simple action rpg. But I'm not sure the same could be said on the harder difficulties about Dragon Age 2. From what I heard Kingdom of Alamur is simple and asy hack and slash even on harder difficutllies. (I relay have no interest in Kindom of Alamur game. It seems like an easy RPG like the fable games but without the humor and good writing of the Fable games)
If anything the combat was like everything else in Dragon age 2 trying to be different but at the same time failing to some degree.
EDIT also like how Orcish gamer said I'm not sure how tacticial the first Dragon Age even was.
Also, I think the manual evne said that normal was meant to be played like an action rpg just focusing on a single character. While the harder difficulties were meant to be more tactical and to using pause more and focusing on pause more.