I would call together all of the other barbarian tribes and convince them to join under my banner.
I would claim the honor and title of High Chieftain. After I had either convinced or forced all the tribe leaders to join under my banner, I would begin training them, and I would tell none of my warriors about my plans.
In a few months, we would march to war. We would arrive at the gates of Waterdeep where I would call the horn of battle, ordering every barbarian from every tribe to attack.
We would all get slaughtered by their mages, and then when I was the last remaining warrior I would call to my god, "Uthgar, I have done as you commanded, take my soul and let me join you!" before a wizards lightning bolt would drain the last life force from my body.
<--- Dork! :P
This is in case a newbie may enter this, if not then you got a free story! Thanks. :)