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If I were king of a barbarian tribe I'd probably get overthrown for being a weak and ineffectual leader.

I would have them pressure and push everyone involved to come to an agreement and have System Shock 1-2 on GOG so everyone can shut up about them, also so I can play em. :P

Oh, and thanks for the giveaway!
Post edited September 08, 2012 by Ric1987
Synchronized swimming.
I would introduce a universal health care system in my tribe of rowdy barbarians. Combat wounds would be fully covered.

+1 for the giveaway!
I would have them all learn to play an instrument so that we can conquer the world with out musical influence. What better and less bloody way is there to grab all the gold and women from the surrounding lands?

Plunder? Ha! We are barbariadours! We seduce and defeat you with our songs bringing both the tears of long lost sorry and of joy and happiness with the strum of a chord and a melody.

(+1 and thanks!)
If I were the leader? Of Barbarians? What else is there to do?

We go to and attack en-mass for all the games on the internets. You didn't say they had to primitive.
Well first... I would come up with a barbaric name for the war band... something threating.. and barbaric.. like.. Gore eaters band of menacing barbarians.. Yeah that sounds great.. Then I would find some villages to raid to raise so coin to buy some better equipment for my barbarian tribe... After doing so i would attack other barbarians for my barbarians to better them selfs in the art of combat.. I will then form a mercenary company in doing so I would change my name of the war band to something more civil... Gore eaters Raw power mercenary company.. I would then hire myself out to Lords and Kings.. Dukes and Jarls.. Then when the time is right... I will besiege a town.. Capture it and declare myself king of its lands...then I will create vassals out of my most trusted and well educated barbarians.. to take over the rest of the lands!
I wouldn't do anything. They're Barbarians, they don't have leaders, they answer to no-one. They are like a bunch of rebels.
what the heck, interesting subject. Barbarian Disco, then Barbarian Checkers with everyone a pawn, and finally Barbarian Striptease,................................ not really, Barbarian Food Fight
I would follow the guidance of Attila, and order the tribe to step on the grass, so it doesn't grow again.
I would sitting all the day saying "Hurray"
Tell? Let me SING it instead!

We are barbarians who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
We'll just tell you we don’t do anything

Well I’ve never been to Wintertop
And I've never been to Wulfsland
And I’ve never buried treasure in Culbrea or Kheldon
And I’ve never been to Amad
And I’ve never been to Swenstown
And I’ve never been to Stagwood in the fall

We're barbarians who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
We'll just tell you we don’t do anything

And I’ve never pillaged a village
And I’ve never stabbed a clansman
And I’ve never Hero Quested
'Cause I never roam at all

And I’ve never built a hovel
And I’ve never worshipped Urox
And I’ve never sacrificed any cows

'Cause we're barbarians who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
We'll just tell you we don’t do anything

(I am so, so sorry.)
(also, copyright infringement.)
If I were the leader of this hypothetical barbarian troupe, I'd have us raid castles and fortresses for food and drink, then have wild crazy monkey sex with the females of the troupe.
What I would do IF?

I AM the leader of a tribe of rowdy barbarians.
5 days a week, I send them off to school...
I would do what any red blooded barbarian king would do.

Tell them to bring the tribe's attractive and voluptuous women into my tent for a "get together" so we can celebrate my dominant leadership. :)
