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You might have given Pathologic or The Void a try and thought "This is a bit weird". You might have tried Cargo and thought "This is definitely weird".

Ice-Pick Lodge are back though and on Kickstarter now :D

Any interest? Also who'd also like to see previous Ice-Pick titles up on gog?
I'm a big fan of Ice-Pick lodge, so this might well be one kickstarter that I'll support.
Already pledged.... $5 that are invested well :)
I'm intrigued. Pledged.
What are the odds of this not getting lost in the swarms of zombie/horror/light them up games?
grviper: What are the odds of this not getting lost in the swarms of zombie/horror/light them up games?
Who knows? It's not as if there are a lack of brown or grey fps games that still manage to get an audience.

It's worth a shot to see if the unusual art style can get to a wider audience.
Yesterday I got an e-mail from IPL (I backed them via PayPal). They asked me if I want the game on Steam or an installer with DRM.
Now, I really hope something (like 'no' before the DRM part) was lost in translation and they did not invest their limited funds into any kind of DRM...
some bits remind me of Don't Starve for some odd reason....
So I contacted IPL about that DRM. They say it's just one-time online activation for the initial release, probably followed by a DRM-free version.
I asked them to contact GOG about releasing the game here, so - if you want to see it here, please vote :)
The game is out. I'm waiting for my e-mail with download link :)
Good. I missed this on is, but have been waiting for any news of it's release. Thanks for the heads up.
Download link has arrived, with Windows, Linux and Mac installers (Mivas should be happy about Linux :)
Novotnus: Mivas should be happy about Linux :)
Good assumption :). I look forward to try the game.
Well, the only place i can find this atm is on Steam (of course -__-). Does anyone know of it releasing I anywhere else? And I guess it's too late to hope of seeing it released as a surprise Friday release here. I can't even find a place to pick it up from ice picks site.
"Dear Friends!

We are in beta.

Today we will commence porting the build to mobile platforms.

In parallel we are working on realization of all the prizes that we promised for your donations. In connection to everything written above, we’d like to remind you: we are still waiting for filled forms so that we can add you to the credits and send you the prizes according to your donation.

And last, our project still needs your support on Greenlight. Will the game be available on Steam or will we have to choose some other digital distribution service? (We would really like to place it on Steam, many people find it easiest to use.) If you haven’t done it yet, click on “Yes” here. Each “yes” brings us closer to Steam accepting Knock-Knock for distribution.

For more information see - "

I guess this answers my question. I shoulda been a backer dammit!