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jefequeso: /snip
I've often wondered though if sometimes the brevity of the TV series + movies contributes to its aura of quality (which is mostly deserved) - with some shows they start off slowly, take time to find their feet, and only get remembered as greats by the end of their run; others start off brilliantly, but then burn out. With Firefly we never really got to see the story fleshed out, but it also never got the chance to disappoint (well some people didn't like the movie, I did). Thus we are left with 14 episodes and 1 movie of very good quality on average.
jefequeso: /snip
crazy_dave: I've often wondered though if sometimes the brevity of the TV series + movies contributes to its aura of quality (which is mostly deserved) - with some shows they start off slowly, take time to find their feet, and only get remembered as greats by the end of their run; others start off brilliantly, but then burn out. With Firefly we never really got to see the story fleshed out, but it also never got the chance to disappoint (well some people didn't like the movie, I did). Thus we are left with 14 episodes and 1 movie of very good quality on average.
The brevity is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's certainly good that the show didn't have a chance to even begin to jump the shark. But at the same time, it didn't get a chance to really bloom either.
To be perfectly honest, I loved Firefly. Then again I do love Summer Glau. Beautiful and an amazing actress. Such a shame 2 of her shows were cancelled (The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
Denezan: To be perfectly honest, I loved Firefly. Then again I do love Summer Glau. Beautiful and an amazing actress. Such a shame 2 of her shows were cancelled (The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
More then just 2 of her shows were cancelled. People jokingly say she's cursed and that any show she's on will be cancelled.
Denezan: To be perfectly honest, I loved Firefly. Then again I do love Summer Glau. Beautiful and an amazing actress. Such a shame 2 of her shows were cancelled (The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
Big_McLargeHuge: More then just 2 of her shows were cancelled. People jokingly say she's cursed and that any show she's on will be cancelled.
About as unlucky as an actor that said something which offended Steven Spielberg!! (He is not above perpetrating revenge behind the scenes, so i hear? Which is a scumbag thing to do.... Can someone please punch him in the face for doing it so i can put it in the past and respect him again??)

I loved Firefly, it is my number one choice out of all shows to be picked up again!
Big_McLargeHuge: I can never forgive Fox for cancelling this series.
I felt like that until I saw the last 2 or so episodes. They started to feel like one big platitude. I don't know how else to say it, but it's the same reason I didn't enjoy The Avengers film (also Joss Whedon).

Maybe it's better that the show shone brightly and expired quickly....
Big_McLargeHuge: I can never forgive Fox for cancelling this series.
Dzsono: I felt like that until I saw the last 2 or so episodes. They started to feel like one big platitude. I don't know how else to say it, but it's the same reason I didn't enjoy The Avengers film (also Joss Whedon). Maybe it's better that the show shone brightly and expired quickly....
By that point, the show was already cancelled. Everything from "The Message" forwards chronologically, and one episode in the middle, were made after they'd been notified of their cancellation. The Message was the last episode that was filmed, which is why the funeral scene is so heavy-handed, because it was also the funeral for the show itself. Objects in Space, on the other hand, is just a weak episode in general.
Big_McLargeHuge: I can never forgive Fox for cancelling this series.
Dzsono: I felt like that until I saw the last 2 or so episodes. They started to feel like one big platitude. I don't know how else to say it, but it's the same reason I didn't enjoy The Avengers film (also Joss Whedon). Maybe it's better that the show shone brightly and expired quickly....
You didn't enjoy the Avengers??? did you try watching it with your eyes open?, Sorry, just surprised? I suppose no movie can ever please 'everyone'.
Dzsono: I felt like that until I saw the last 2 or so episodes. They started to feel like one big platitude. I don't know how else to say it, but it's the same reason I didn't enjoy The Avengers film (also Joss Whedon). Maybe it's better that the show shone brightly and expired quickly....
bevinator: By that point, the show was already cancelled. Everything from "The Message" forwards chronologically, and one episode in the middle, were made after they'd been notified of their cancellation. The Message was the last episode that was filmed, which is why the funeral scene is so heavy-handed, because it was also the funeral for the show itself. Objects in Space, on the other hand, is just a weak episode in general.
I found Objects in Space, Heart of Gold, and perhaps Safe to be the weakest episodes. Our Mr.s Reynolds, Out of Gas, and Serenity (episode 1, that is) were my favorites. And The Train Job gets props just for that one moment at the very end. "darn..."

I did kinda like the bounty hunter in Objects in Space, however. And it was a little weird how similar he was to the guy in the movie.
Dzsono: I felt like that until I saw the last 2 or so episodes. They started to feel like one big platitude. I don't know how else to say it, but it's the same reason I didn't enjoy The Avengers film (also Joss Whedon). Maybe it's better that the show shone brightly and expired quickly....
mystikmind2000: You didn't enjoy the Avengers??? did you try watching it with your eyes open?, Sorry, just surprised? I suppose no movie can ever please 'everyone'.
Yeah, I loved The Avengers. Thought it was one of the best non-Batman superhero movies I've seen. Loads of fun from beginning to end.
Post edited October 16, 2012 by jefequeso
orcishgamer: Try and watch them in order (the DVD set is in order, I would assume the BluRay is as well), they showed them out of order when the show launched on TV which confused people.
An acquaintance told me the execs did this because they felt the first episode was too slow paced and they wanted something more action packed.

The incompetence that was displayed when managing that serie is mind bogging.

They had gold and they let it slip through their fingers.

I hope someone got fired over this.
orcishgamer: Also it's awesome. Our Mrs. Reynolds is one of the best episodes. You'll be terribly sad when it's over (if you can, grab the comic book that spans the time between the television series and Serenity). EDIT: It's a western in space... so yep, bullets:)
I really liked the last episode, though Mrs. Reynolds was very good too (the final talk with Inara was priceless, how clueless can you be...).
jefequeso: I'm watching on Netflix. Is there anywhere I can go that would tell me the correct order, so I can make sure?
I watched it on Netflix too. It is in order.

Apparently, they started with the train episode when they initially broadcast it on TV.
HereForTheBeer: Not enough superlatives to describe the show and movie. It's just, just... perfection.
I know. Western and space: You'd think combining the two would be pure madness, but they made it work!
doccarnby: It's been a while since I watched it, so I may be wrong, but I believe they do have laser weaponry, it's just super expensive and not terribly reliable.
It's outlawed for most people too.
orcishgamer: The film is terribly sub par compared to the series. I didn't hate the film, but I wish that he didn't seem so all fired desperate to wrap up the story. I guess it's pretty much done as it stood or he'll have to retcon a bunch of shit were he to ever get a chance to continue (I think he's honestly not interested in doing so). At any rate, great series, pretty good movie, that's my feeling.
Yeah, the series was better, though the movie was good too (started with the movie unfortunately and then saw the series on netflix and though the characters on the box looked familiar...).

For the sequel, I think the fact that the cast is not getting any younger is another factor (it's been 10 years since the series and 7 years since the movie).

I think they are already past the point where they could film the cast and pretend it takes off right where the movie left.

I guess they could do animation for it (and apparently, they have done graphics novels about it) or do a "10 years later" type of sequel, but judging by lack of success of the movie, the franchise is dead in the water.

What infuriates me the most is that I never heard of Firefly or Serenity at all until about a year ago.

I'm sure the marketing for it was subpar.
xa_chan: Firefly: so much better than Star Wars and Star Trek combined.

MonstaMunch: Really? That was the one character I found annoying, mainly because her character was just too similar to the mechanic girl from Battlestar Galactica. It was one of very few things in Firefly that felt unoriginal to me.
Yeah, I'm with xa_chan about the physical attractiveness of the actress (though frankly, all the female cast was drop dead gorgeous), but the character she portrayed was my least favorite one.

I thought she looked a bit thick at times.

oasis789: man, it must be so nice to experience it for the first time
Not really. At least, when you watched it, you had hope to see many many episode.

When I watched it, it was a decade after the serie had been cancelled and the thought that kept bouncing back in my head was how incompetent you have to be to cancel a show like this in less than a full season.

At least, the movie gave closure.
SimonG: As a comparison: My favourite Science Fiction show remains Babylon 5. Hands down.
I really loved Babylon 5 too.

For me, it's a tie between Babylon 5 and Firefly.

Firefly didn't take itself as seriously, but sometimes, a bit more levity can be exactly what you need.
Firefly, too many good memories with that show to be objective about it. Kind of sad we haven't seen much more out of the theme or universe. Would like crpg along that space/western theme. Comics haven't satified my interest in the show, though I did like one of the cancelled books. Author gave out free downloads cuz they nixed it after he wrote the thing.
The only one thing that I ever found really weird about Firefly. Alien Resurrection...
See, it bored me to tears. Three times now I have tried to get into it, and it does nothing for me. Now, nothing Whedon did in the past or since has interested me, so that might have something to do with it.
Magnitus: It's outlawed for most people too.
Just to make sure. We are talking about laser weapons being outlawed in the Firefly universe, right?
anjohl: I had to turn it off halfway through the pilot. After years of hearing how revolutionary it's supposed to be, I understood why Fox cancelled it. Terrible pacing, boring characters, and wooden acting.
Stiler: ' yeah, Half an episode, sure is PLENTY of time to get to know the characters, let them develop, lhe storyline unfold, etc.
You are right, 14 episodes is more appropriate.