haydenaurion: http://www.amazon.com/CH-Products-Combatstick-Programmable-Functions/dp/B00006B84W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335144760&sr=8-1 Seeing as how I have the Wing Commander games and plan on buying Hind and Apache as well, I figured I should invest in a joystick.
Any thoughts? Did I make a good choice or am I screwed?
Can't go wrong there, CH is one of the best, although their joysticks haven't changed a lot since the nineties and are a bit pricey if you ask me.
The only thing you have to take care of as with all peripherals that use potentiometers is that they become internally dirty and the joystick input becomes jittery. You can clean the potentiometers with contactspray or videoheadcleaner.
El_Caz: I've been wanting to buy myself an Extreme 3d pro for a while now, but it really feels like a luxury and I always end up using the money for other things. The cheapest I've found it is at $29 but what nags me the most is that the games I'm going to play with it are actually cheaper than the joystick... I've got both freespaces and maybe a bunch of racing games I could play with a joystick but none of them cost over $10. It makes it seem like any savings I made buying the games are lost buying the joystick to play them.
Good thing you already made your order, there's only one left in stock.
Is it the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro?
I myself have the Force 3D Pro and to be honest I think it is a piece of crap, maybe the Extreme is better but don't buy the Force 3D Pro.
My Force 3D Pro has an enormous loose area in which there is no force or springloading so I have to increase the deadzone to 50%!!! so I don't start to drift all over the place and on top of that the forcefeedback completely sucks, it's hardly noticable and if you release the joystick it is still vibrating and doing things which is rather annoying and I have to unplug the powercord to make it stop. Too bad, I still have a original Microsoft Sidewinder Forcefeedback Pro, but it has gameport, no usb.
By the way, I noticed Logitech removed the Force 3D Pro from their catalog, so perhaps they saw the thing sucked as well.