Big_McLargeHuge: Can you guys recommend some good Joysticks for Space flying games and other flight games? Games like Freespace 1 & 2? Thanks.
Sorry I am not aware of the currently sold models (the last one I bought, and which I still use (in the rare cases I need it) is some age-old MS Sidewinder Precision Pro 2 something something... Works great, but it is quite big, needing some extra desk space of its own).
If you get a real flightstick, get one with a twisting stick, for "Z-axis". It is used for rolling your spaceship, or in flight sims for turning slowly without rolling (sorry I forget the correct term, probably pitch, yaw, trim... pick the right one...). Maybe not that realistic for flight sims, but then no gaming flightstick is actually realistic for e.g. F-16 sims, the real thing is quite different AFAIK.
But at least for many space combat "sims", a gamepad works quite nicely with its two analog sticks. Depends if there are too many often used buttons so that you constantly have to reach the keyboard anyway in the heat of the battle.