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mondo84: The negativity of some people...
Yes, the way they set it up is lame. Present a plan and idea, not options and subscription. And the video was bad. There's no clear result here. It's lame.

And 17% at this stage is terrible compared to the other big names, so obviously people agree with me.
I found out that she stared a kickstarter fund just to create a new studio so she can make some awesome games o3o.....

Help and support her so we can get some tasty new adventure games from her o3o...
If some of you read the kickstarter faq you'd understand that you WILL get a game , even if it goes past the year-cycle.

Also she says that she does'nt own the GK rights (even though she created it) and that she would like to get the rights back but needs money to do that, and if the kickstarter/games made from it sell well enough she will try that.

So if you want a new GK game, donate to the kickstarter. You will also get to vote for which game gets made from this, the Gray Matter Sequel, Moebius (a game siimilar to GK) and the other one set in an older england type of setting.

Personally this is the main kickstarter I'm going to back. Gabriel Knight meant a lot to me growing up and I would love to someday see a new one.
Stiler: If some of you read the kickstarter faq you'd understand that you WILL get a game , even if it goes past the year-cycle.

Also she says that she does'nt own the GK rights (even though she created it) and that she would like to get the rights back but needs money to do that, and if the kickstarter/games made from it sell well enough she will try that.

So if you want a new GK game, donate to the kickstarter. You will also get to vote for which game gets made from this, the Gray Matter Sequel, Moebius (a game siimilar to GK) and the other one set in an older england type of setting.

Personally this is the main kickstarter I'm going to back. Gabriel Knight meant a lot to me growing up and I would love to someday see a new one.
Yeah i know...and i never played any of her games until i stumble upon Gray matter and the game is truly amazing o.o;;;
You should check out GK (on gog :D).

They are great adventure games,and each of them spans different era's in game development.

The first is a classic point and click 2d style, the second is an FMV adventure game, and the third is a 3d adventure game.
bazilisek: Go ahead and try the games, then. Jane really is a terrific adventure game writer; the games themselves tend to be somewhat clumsy, but her characters and plots are excellent.
So a yes then. Yeah, I'll consider looking into them then.

Almost at $150000

Voting happens this weekend, so if you want to decide which game is mad first be sure to make a pledge before the weekend!
So backers have been voting on the first game that should come out of this, and the Moebius concept is winning by a considerable margin. Which means that if you have ever wanted another Gabriel Knight game, this Kickstarter is as close as we've ever been to one.

I cancelled my Wasteland 2 pledge and gave more money to Jane instead. I'll be a really sad panda if this one fails; I quite honestly can't understand why the Leisure Suit Larry remake got three times as many backers and twice as much money. Though I will admit the marketing of this one has been pretty weak.
bazilisek: So backers have been voting on the first game that should come out of this, and the Moebius concept is winning by a considerable margin. Which means that if you have ever wanted another Gabriel Knight game, this Kickstarter is as close as we've ever been to one.

I cancelled my Wasteland 2 pledge and gave more money to Jane instead. I'll be a really sad panda if this one fails; I quite honestly can't understand why the Leisure Suit Larry remake got three times as many backers and twice as much money. Though I will admit the marketing of this one has been pretty weak.
I think I said it before in another thread, J. Jensen's Kickstarter is a completely new and different concept from the other campaigns.
Add to that the fact that things were (are) quite unclear, along with the marketing issue you mention, and you get what you see today.
Once the game is determined, I expect it to pick up, especially by the more hardcore GK fans.
It still has a long way to go, let's not get disheartened.
I also don't think it helps that the detailed game concepts have been released solely to backers. I think releasing it publicly a couple of days prior to voting would have garnered more attention and interest for the games and the project as a whole.
Gonchi: I also don't think it helps that the detailed game concepts have been released solely to backers. I think releasing it publicly a couple of days prior to voting would have garnered more attention and interest for the games and the project as a whole.
I think the whole point of making the details accessable only to backers was to convert you into an early backer - want to see more of the games concepts? want to state your opinion and maybe get the game you like best to be the one that'll be made? Become a backer!
At least that's how I understood it.
Maybe you're right and it wasn't the best route to go. We'll never know, will we now?
Post edited April 14, 2012 by HypersomniacLive
My explanation for the difference in funding is that, among the Sierra classics there's always been a big difference between the dark, serious adventures like GK, police quest etc and the more lighthearted ones like larry, space quest, etc. Jensen is known for the former style. Unfortunately I think more people liked the funny ones.
oasis789: My explanation for the difference in funding is that, among the Sierra classics there's always been a big difference between the dark, serious adventures like GK, police quest etc and the more lighthearted ones like larry, space quest, etc. Jensen is known for the former style. Unfortunately I think more people liked the funny ones.
I wouldn't really call GK dark and serious. Sure, it's not a pure comedy like Larry was, but there is quite a lot of funny dialogue between all the serious witch-hunting action.

When you cast Tim Curry in a leading role, it's clear the game is going to be no Phantasmagoria.
HypersomniacLive: Add to that the fact that things were (are) quite unclear, along with the marketing issue you mention, and you get what you see today.
Once the game is determined, I expect it to pick up, especially by the more hardcore GK fans.
It still has a long way to go, let's not get disheartened.
I agree that the marketing part is lacking, but a totally new concept ? not really.

For the double fine KS basically the only thing we knew was that is was going to be an adventure game, that Tim Shafner and Ron Gilbert were going to work on it and that's all, we had a bunch of screenshots and concept art from previous games but nothing more.

For W2 and Shadowrun it's not that different, we know they are going to make a RPG, we know the universe it will take place in and that's all.

So JJ Kickstarter is hardly something knew or different, we know they want to make an adventure game, we have three concept of three possible games one of which is a sequel; that's actually more than what we knew with the Double Fine kickstarter.
Post edited April 14, 2012 by Gersen
Gersen: ~snip~
What you describe is mainly the $16 tier and maybe part of the $30 one.
Anyone going from $50 and up basically gets a subscription/ membership that entitles them to everything her studio develops/ produces in a year's time. For the first year (ending June 2013), the plan is2 games and corresponding soundtracks, in addition to that children's book.
This may be a bit confusing as the studio hasn't that much to show for the first year. I'll also admit that the project site and the low funding goal hasn't helped make it any clearer. In the video update #1, you can hear her talk about this. In the same video, she also says that the 2nd game could still be made if they manage to complement its budget with funds from other sources, but if you pledge $50 you'll still get it.

If I got this all wrong or anyone knows anything more, please feel free to correct me.