jepsen1977: Why should they? Well because it hurts the industry if they aren't. Keep in mind that retailers often stock very few new copies and then rely on used copies instead and the clerks will encourage you to buy used raher than new. If you go to your local library and borrow a book then the writer/publisher recieves royalty for it and that is what the gaming industry is saying here - give us a piece of the action. When the retailers get rich due to used sales and often place all kind of unfair restrictions on publishers in the first place then none of that benefits the gaming industry ie. gamers or publishers/devs.
Cry me a river. Seriously. If your business model is so weak that someone buying a used game can kill your company, you deserve to go out of business.
And by retailers, you mean Gamestop. End of story. Wal-mart, Target, Best Buy, Shopko, K-mart, etc., all do not buy used games and turn around to resell them (though granted, I have seen a few very limited numbers of pre-owned games in my local Wal-mart, how that happened, I have no idea).
And just where have you gotten the idea that going to a library results in a publisher getting a royalty? Just where would that money come from? Maybe that happens in your country, but not in the U.S.
But it is not the 5-10 year old games the publishers are trying to prevent from being resold, it is instead games within the first 6-9 months where most of the profit is made that they want to stop. When a used copy is being sold rather than a new one then publishers loose out on it ie. they don't make any money even if a game is being sold.
They want to prevent ALL resales. If a person can play and enjoy a game from 10 years ago, they have no real need to buy this year's iteration. Why do you think sports games have their servers shut down after so long? It's to force people to buy this year's $60 roster update.
When a used copy is sold, the developers already got their money from that copy. It could not have been bought used if someone hadn't already bought it new.
Unless a developer is willing to keep a game in print and in circulation in perpetuity, eventually you will no longer be able to play that new game. For no other reason than they were born past the time when that publisher wanted to stop supporting it.