SimonG: Rentals usually run on a whole different licence than retail games, so putting "special rental editions" out for those shouldn't be a problem.
What actually urks me more is the fact that the "school yard trading" is going to die out because of this. When I was in school, lending games was quite common amongst us youngsters. It actually decided which console to get, as you would automatically have a bigger source of games available "for free". Piracy is probably going to fill that niche (and will prombtly be complained about).
And yes, his tone is that of a condescending asshole. But taking everything into account, I think this is a positive development. As it means "going digital" and that increases the chances of independance developers and unique titles.
And lets be honest, most people buy used games because they want to save money. It's not like this is a culture to cherish. And for all the bad you can say about Steam and its brothers, it made gaming incredibly inexpensive for the end consumer (and less risky for the developer/publisher).
If they want to fuck us over like the music industry did with the introduction of the CD however, and retain their saves without making the products cheaper. Then I'm all for pitchforks and torches!
The thing is - once you introduce the option of exclusivity, the option of going non-exclusive becomes a lot less attractive. As a publisher, your options are "Hey I can make this game rentable, or I can... simply not do it." Given that the vast majority of the decisions in the industry are made by people like Durall, I don't see many publishers making the former decision. Their minds have pretty much been made up already.
I agree with the "school yard trading" thing. I used to do it quite a bit back in the day and the whole idea then was that once I give my game away, I no longer had it. I successfully disposed of my property. Of course back then I didn't have a CD-R nor enough disk space to save games.
I don't see how going digital would increase the independence of developers and making of unique titles? Currently there's an option on the PC: either you release your game independently (pleasing a certain type of crowd) or tied to a specific platform (pleasing another type of crowd) or releasing it with both means (pleasing both crowds but publishers not so much). You can never please everyone, but more choice is universally the best option.
I love Steam, I don't think it's a bad thing at all (overall for me, that is). Lack of choice is a bad thing. I can appreciate that some people might not like it and neglecting a significant part of the consumer base is not the correct thing to do. And ultimately, reducing options WILL mean a significantly higher price for consumers. If we could eliminate piracy and the retail and 2nd hand market altogether, I don't think we'd be seeing the kinds of deals on Steam that we get nowadays.
And what's wrong with saving money? Ultimately maybe we should get rid of the 2nd hand market overall? Starting with those chumps selling books in the middle of the street and finishing with the 2nd hand car sales market.