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soulgrindr: i need to invent a new level of LOL.... LOLGLEBEH!!
Romulus: For this kind of situation I use ROFLMAOLOLZOMG

I think I'll have to keep this one in mind.
It is funny and I can understand why people get so upset. Let the socialists have their turn and we'll get on with life. If people want a happy medium of the government telling them what they can and can't do, instead of Democracy. Let them have it.. It's better then the alternative. Hate destroys what was good in you and then you can never get back what was lost.
What is it that communists say about it? It wasn't done right. We'll now it's done right and everyone's happy.
dreadcog: Welcome to socialism
BladderOfDoom: LOL america socialist? 75% of the world socialist? lol

I guess I should of put a disclaimer, It was a generalized guess. Everyone gets so caught up in facts. There's people all over the world that are fighting to be free and are free that are repulsed by anything but freedom. I wish them luck because the future isn't to bright right now.
Post edited July 07, 2009 by dreadcog
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
cogadh: Socialism.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Well I like to lightely tread on words so people will look them up. It's a kind of dance between knowledge and understanding.
Apparently, you have also never seen The Princess Bride...
cogadh: Apparently, you have also never seen The Princess Bride...

Wow, I'm speechless.
dreadcog: It's a kind of dance between knowledge and understanding.

And you fail at both.
dreadcog: It's a kind of dance between knowledge and understanding.
stonebro: And you fail at both.

Indeed. I thought it was dance between ignorance and paranoia myself, but I always have trouble understanding interpretive dance.
stonebro: And you fail at both.
cogadh: Indeed. I thought it was dance between ignorance and paranoia myself, but I always have trouble understanding interpretive dance.

I understand, make fun of it. It's better, then hating.
Well, at least you understand that...
/politics discussion
I thought it was a nice ceremony.
Post edited July 08, 2009 by soulgrindr
cogadh: Socialism.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Brilliant! I just read the book for the first time. Seen the movie a number of times already. I'm thinking of getting one of these:
Your quote is there too:
michaelleung: So?

so what?
cogadh: Socialism.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I'm just surprised that you don't know it means black people.