Posted November 01, 2009
Yesterday, Infinity Ward posted a viral video for Modern Warfare 2 on YouTube. It had some Phillies baseball player comment that "grenades are for pussies" as a PSA, only to be thrown several live grenades, where he yells "OH F**K!" When it fades to black, the message "Fight Against Grenade Spam" pops up. I'm sure all of you can see what the acronym is for that.
Anyway, both a Game Informer writer and freelancer Mitchell Dyer to offense to this and got into a Twitter argument (I can already see some rolling their eyes). Robert Bowling conceded and pulled the video down.
How does this even get green-lighted? Were it any company and a video like this were released, the people in charge of it would get a stern talking to, or worse, fired. It seemed like Modern Warfare 2 was going to be a home run, but they keep making stupid decisions. Who knows how many sales they'll lose?
By the way, Mega64 made a funny video focusing on how every publisher is moving out of the way for Modern Warfare 2:
Yesterday, Infinity Ward posted a viral video for Modern Warfare 2 on YouTube. It had some Phillies baseball player comment that "grenades are for pussies" as a PSA, only to be thrown several live grenades, where he yells "OH F**K!" When it fades to black, the message "Fight Against Grenade Spam" pops up. I'm sure all of you can see what the acronym is for that.
Anyway, both a Game Informer writer and freelancer Mitchell Dyer to offense to this and got into a Twitter argument (I can already see some rolling their eyes). Robert Bowling conceded and pulled the video down.
How does this even get green-lighted? Were it any company and a video like this were released, the people in charge of it would get a stern talking to, or worse, fired. It seemed like Modern Warfare 2 was going to be a home run, but they keep making stupid decisions. Who knows how many sales they'll lose?
By the way, Mega64 made a funny video focusing on how every publisher is moving out of the way for Modern Warfare 2: