wpegg: You mean keeveeks borderline porn thing? This is not the same. I haven't encouraged, incentivised or endorsed innappropriate content. I'm just asking for a pictorial definition of a word. That's just creativity. Anything against forum rules will be objected to, and the poster will be asked to remove the content.
JudasIscariot: We don't forbid giveaways, just questionable content.
like this?
defining monstrous
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md1lsaWA661rn0dsn.jpg from what [url=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120510202810AA2EJix ]seems to be [/url]marketed as a children's cartoon(yugioh) lol
(its almost as bad as that balloon Pokemon that tricks children into grabbing its string so it can abduct them and eat their souls or innocence or something)
(better picture where he is err..."breathing" fire all over a city)
edit- ok so clicked the link that picture says "forbidden" now so I guess I'll link to the first one again(they're both the same thing anyway)...