Oh man... Megaman Legends was one of the first PlayStation titles I drooled over when I first got that console. I only played Megaman 5 and 6 and bits of X previously and I naively expected there to be Megaman 64 eventually just so I could see Megaman in 3D. But since I got the PlayStation a few years later anyway, MML was one of the first games I got to play when the excitement of playing 3D games was still a novelty.
In Legends, Megaman controlled like a tank, the gameplay wasn't as action oriented as the 2D platformers, and the story and characters seemed to be from another universe, but MML was a fine game in its own right. I remembered the feeling of heroism after not just saving the town from a giant robot, but making the decision to help donate to rebuilding the damage done to the city. At the time, it just blew my mind that construction to the damaged buildings progressed as I went through the game and came back to check up on the town later.
The bit with going down the mines to look for crystals were a little tedious as I remember, but it was worth it just to be able to slowly upgrade your special abilities and new weapons. Too bad I only rented it and never finished the game to see its conclusion. I did however rented Legends 2 a while later which I never finished either.
Don't remember if there was ever a PC port, but it would be a nice addition to GOG if there was one.