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real.geizterfahr: ... It could of been worse...
Argh! There you have hit my personal pet peeve. You see it so often. Could of, should of... do these people even read what they write? If they did, they should have noticed that their sentence makes no sense.

rtcvb32: Hmmm.... i repeated the thought 'rouge' three times in my head and came up with this.. then expanded on it :P

Row Rouge Rogue your boat,
Genitals down with sheen,
Merrily Marrily Marally Married,
lie fit such a meme!
I see your boat and raise you a Freddy Mercury:

Is this cereal life?
Is this just Fanta-sea.
Cod in a landslide
Noah's cape from reality...
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Lifthrasil
We shouldn't assume that their spelling is wrong over there, with them. They're just in a hurry, or typing on their phone or tablet.


Cinemaware Anatology 1986-1991

Fenixp: Planetscape: Torment
I'm pretty sure you wanted to say "Planescape: Tournament"!
But languages are a-changin' thing ;)
Been getting typorage too and causing it out of semi-poetic lazitide :p
I sometimes enrage people by not pronouncing English properly too.
ZFR: The strangest phonetic replacement I've seen is writing are instead of our. "Are objective is to capture the flag before the other team does, while at the same time defending are castle from attacks". Know a guy who did it regularly.
I regret to say I occasionally find myself doing this... :/

I look back over what I've typed and think "WTF. Our not are" funny thing is I never do it (or see anyone else doing it) the other way around... it's never "Our there any biscuits?"...

I find spelling mistakes more annoying than (had to think about that for a second <_< >_>) grammar though... I know the difference between its and it's and they're, there and their but sometimes when typing quickly I just type one and go with it, and unless I proof read it gets missed...

I always used to mix up quiet and quite...
Looks like the OP is seeing rouge...
I think I'm having a deja-vu. Wasn't a thread about the same rogue/rouge topic about a year ago?
how good is this ROUGE game then ?
ryanpowell19: how good is this ROUGE game then ?
Did you mean that visual novel cooking simulator?
It's a pet peeve of mine, too. But I tend to just roll with it.

When people talk about a "rouge-like", I imagine they're talking about a make-up simulator on the Mary Kay site.

When people talk about Leliana or Hawke being a rouge, they're talking about their make-up techniques.

When people talk about the X-Man Rouge, they're talking about the one with cosmetic powers.

It makes browsing forums way more fun if you just assume people are talking about rouge and not simply misspelling "rogue".
Post edited November 19, 2014 by gruedragon
adaliabooks: ... I look back over what I've typed and think "WTF. Our not are" ...
I know what you mean. I know perfectly well when to use "their", "there", "then", than", "your", "you're" but I find them mixed up all the time when re-reading myself.
justanoldgamer: God knows I'm not perfect and my first language is not English so I make my share of spelling (barrister instead of barista recently) and grammar mistakes even when I know better, but I was just reading a thread here and it seems that some people do not care. Why would anyone consistently use ROUGE instead of ROGUE when it is spelled correctly by almost everyone in the thread?

In the same spirit:
The head of a school is a PRINCIPAL not a PRINCIPLE.
The male first name ARTHUR is not spelled AUTHOR.

Please add your spelling pet peeves and be free to correct any errors in my posts.
Neighbour transposition and not caring to edit it? xD
This seem relevant to the current discussion :)
Post edited November 18, 2014 by FoxySage
rampancy: We shouldn't assume that their spelling is wrong over there, with them. They're just in a hurry, or typing on their phone or tablet.


Cinemaware Anatology 1986-1991

Anatology is a specific area of evolution sciences that studies the change of body parts over time.

Im forgaving, but secretely mock bad grammer and spelling. Aspecially if the naitive county is a english speaking won.

P.S. I'm not above making mistakes. As an Amazon review said of my writing, sometimes i screw up the whole sat, set, sit, had sat, was setting, will satted, etc. I try to correct it as I see it, but I'm terrible with a few words.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Tallima
Since English isn't my native language I tend to go easy on spelling mistakes since I myself make many of them. My grammar also sucks so there is that.

But two spelling errors that pisses me off is:

Balder's Gate instead of Baldur's Gate


Rouge instead of Rogue.