Liberty: Only a very young person would make such a comment. By your definition of 'casual', then every arcade game and games that use arcade gameplay of the console games of the 80s and early 90s are all 'casual'. But I can tell you those games are harder than your so-called 'core' games of today. They took far more skill.
Besides, Twilight Princess sold very well in the West but bombed in Japan. Just as NSMB totally outsold the 3d Mario games, I suspect a more traditional Zelda would outsell the modern Zelda games.
Yeah, and? I do hope you're not assuming that I think casual games are an inherently bad thing. All I'm saying is that casual and core gamers are both separate markets when it comes to what games they want, which is why certain games such as Skyward Sword and Monster Hunter sold badly due to their platform. Because the games are aimed at one particular market whereas the console is strongly geared towards the other.
Liberty: Also, keep in mind that the core market is in massive decline right now on consoles.
It sure is. We're rather overdue for a new console cycle, and as it turns out, core gamers would rather not play games on seven year old hardware if at all possible.