KingofGnG: Fuck a whore. Girls are all whores :-P /end
deathknight1728: Im not going to lie that women are a bit confusing sometimes, but i will never allow that to make me consider them all to be whores. I find women to make more sense than guys.
As Oscar Wilde once wrote, "Women aren't meant to be understanding, they are meant to be love."
That's my main mistake when I was with this girl for 6 years because I spent the whole time and efforts to understand my ex-girlfriend. Sure, I do love her but I was too busy being Mr. Nice Guy to her and devote to her most of the times.
Ultimately, it backfired on me. Luckily, I had some experience regarding this situation so I was able to bounce from this with relatively ease, even if it's one of the most painful and arduous situations I've ever been in.
Flash forward a year later, I spent much of my time with folks from cosplay community and I was able to meet lot of interesting people.
I remember this mysterious girl whose is fantastic cosplayer and she's very charismatic person. One thing that stands out for me is that everybody was pursuing her relentless because they really want her so badly, whereas I just stand on the sideline and laugh at whole thing while focusing on my own thing.
I made a zero effort to win her over so I opted to concentrate on other things. Suddenly, she IMed me on Facebook to talk to me. Before that, we very rarely talk to each other. Mostly, it would be update each other on cosplay events but never serious conversation.
9 months after I met her for the first time, we end up having solid and serious conversation together. She confided few stuff to me and she told me that she really trust me a lot, not only as a coslayer but as a person as well.
I ended up doing a lot of stuff with her this year, i.e. going to anime cons, hang out at each other's house, watching movies, debating about Doctor Who and Star Trek, and working on cosplays together. This is pretty rare privilege since she very seldom let anyone enter in her life and I'm very honored about that. It's unfortunate that some people are resenting me because I'm pretty good friend with her.
However, I know where I stand in this friendship so I'm perfectly content to be her friend since we lacked that certain chemistry.
My, I think I'm rambling a lot. But I think my action with this mysterious girl will show you that women can be bit complicated but it doesn't have to be that way. Just remember the Oscar Wilde's quote and you should be fine. I made zero efforts to understanding this girl and I'm doing just fine. :)
Sorry for FRAT (Frak Reading All That)