Morgawr: OpenGL is on par with DirectX and I don't really understand what you're trying to say here
Fenixp: It might be 'on par,' but the truth is that it's waaay easier to develop for DirectX than OpenGL, not to mention the entire thing of DirectX encompassing input, sound etc. while OpenGL only does graphics.
Truth be told, I was incorrect. I should have referred to Direct3D and not the whole DirectX suite. Alas, this all comes down to developer experience and preference but OpenGL (and the rest of the related media libraries) development is on par with DirectX. The fact that developers are better trained for DirectX shouldn't be a deterrent since we're taking in consideration non-windows development altogether (see: consoles, Macs, mobile devices, etc etc) and those don't support DirectX either so it doesn't matter.
All in all this isn't (or, rather shouldn't be) even what we're talking about here, the main topic is about supporting already existing Linux games, not porting Windows games to Linux.