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I remember the PC version when it first released it was horrible with terrible frame rate and texture pop up when you turn around and other stuff, but is all that fixed completely?

(My brother wants to buy it)
Yep, pretty much

Played the game at a friends place on Max on his ATI card, ran like a Dream

Pretty sweet game as well
There's still slight pop in if you turn around too quickly, which may get on your nerves.

But yes, they patched up the performance. I still think it's a boring game though...
It was never bad on PC, in my experience.
I still have terrible pop-in from time to time & that transcode option won't work. & here I thought my SLI GTX 680's would blow this over like it's no-one's business :/. I hope iD get their shiz together for Doom 4.
& it's such a shame b/c I can see how amazing RAGE looks, but that damn pop-in....
F..k you Bethesda .

Can't buy / or even see RAGE: The Scorchers™ DLC on Steam .
ne_zavarj: F..k you Bethesda .

Can't buy / or even see RAGE: The Scorchers™ DLC on Steam .
Same here, these stupid region restrictions are only forcing more people to pirate games.
It's not great. Controls are too sluggish. Especially vehicles when compared with something like Borderlands.

I just felt no compulsion whatsoever to continue with it.
It worked fine for me playing on an old Sapphire 5670 card. I enjoyed it, didn't have any major technical issues, just some pop-in.
^ I'm the exact opposite as Navagon. I found the controls to be solid and responsive. Graphics-wise, turning around super fast will occasionally cause some texture pop-in, but I find it's generally mitigated after a few moments. The gunplay is great, enemies are responsive to hits and it's a lot of fun. Vehicle controls are ok, but nothing too spectacular, as is vehicle gameplay in general.
What is the latest version number of the game ?

Also i'm still looking for someone from the US or Canada who can help me to purchase The Scorchers DLC .
Post edited February 02, 2013 by ne_zavarj
Not sharing thoughts here, just a fact because I feel like being helpful. The game runs smooth on my laptop and my laptop is not so good. It has Intel HD 4000 graphics. It can't run games like GTA IV, Prototype 2 and the latest Red Faction game.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by langurmonkey
I just got RAGE myself (it arrived in the post yesterday as I went with retail disc copy because my internet would have taken ages to download 20GB+). I was actually able to get the Anarchy Edition disc, too.

I was expecting to find an insert inside the DVD case with the Anarchy Edition code on one side and the Wasteland Sewer code on the other, but I had no insert, only the three DVDs and the code on the inside of the case cover. However, that one code, when entered into Steam, gave me "Rage With Anarchy and Sewers" so it was all good. I then got the Scorchers DLC from Steam on top of that. After the disc installation I had something like 350MB patch to download, and then the Scorchers DLC gave me another 1.6GB to download, but still, much better than 20GB+.

Now, my machine is a little over 4 years old now, and is not current generation:

Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16Ghz
XFX GTX260 Black Edition (65nm, core 216)

The game so far (only played about 80 minutes) has been very smooth. Yes there is a little bit of texture pop-in, but it seems I can use the GPU transcode option to help this out a little bit, and I do get some low quality textures in places, but I knew about this before I purchased. I've been pleased with it so far, anyway. Maybe one day I'll get to play it on a much higher spec machine for the better graphics.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by korell
RAGE on my GTX 275 was very smooth. Texture pop-in was there, but I think that's how they got away with such nice graphics on consoles; no way they could have held all those textures in RAM. PC users just have to deal with that, which did not bother me at all.
I have horrendous texture pop-in on my laptop with an ATI card, but not my desktop with an Nvidia card. Enjoyed the game though.