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It's just another Id newbie game. But, as usual, the console versions are a joke because you can't play an fps on a console.
what PSADLER said ID totally F***ed up the game
psadler: It's just another Id newbie game. But, as usual, the console versions are a joke because you can't play an fps on a console.
Sadlly my brother bought it on PS3 because on PC he does not want to download 25gigs and not get it on Xbox because of multiple disc.

And PS3 has a lot of texture pop up sadly :(
psadler: It's just another Id newbie game. But, as usual, the console versions are a joke because you can't play an fps on a console.
Elmofongo: Sadlly my brother bought it on PS3 because on PC he does not want to download 25gigs and not get it on Xbox because of multiple disc.

And PS3 has a lot of texture pop up sadly :(
Yeah the PS3 is shit to code for!
Post edited February 03, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
nijuu: Been wondering about this game since its release. Seen a few cheap digital copies floating around.Is it worth $4 for the SP campaign?. have a ati 5670 card... likely to be any issues?. Not sure about downloading 20gb though...sheesh..
here's what you do, leave your computer on one night, start the download when you go to bed, and whoa la, in the morning you have a 20 gb game on your pc!
Neobr10: Oh yes, texture pop-in was a nice special effect. Wish more games used it.
StingingVelvet: PC gaming is not a hobby where you can assume your experience, or the experience of the loud on forums, is universal. Every single game ever released on PC has a bunch of people who insist it is broken.
So you're trying to tell me texture pop-in did not exist in the PC version for some holy lucky users? It might not have bothered you like many other users, but it did exist. For me it did, and for everyone i know with a powerful PC it did happen too. If you search on forums, youtube, there are complaints everywhere. Actually, if you search for "Rage PC" on YT or google most of the top results show up things like "how to fix texture pop-in". It happened on both ATi and nvidia cards (though it was worse on ATi/AMD cards) and both CPU brands. Not to mention that iD even released a fucking patch to fix it. Did they just make a patch to fix an issue that didn't exist? Oh, c'mon, give me a break. Even users with i7s and GTX580 had the same issue, and that's an overkill config.

I know that you are always on defense mode when it comes to shitty PC ports (even stating that GTA4 and Dark Souls were good ports, lol, nice joke that one), but you're going WAY over the top.
Qwertyman: Apparently, John Carmack himself called the PC release of Rage a "cluster fuck." The problems with this game were pretty widespread at launch.
According to a few users here these issues did not exist. Maybe they know more than Carmack himself.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by Neobr10
StingingVelvet: PC gaming is not a hobby where you can assume your experience, or the experience of the loud on forums, is universal. Every single game ever released on PC has a bunch of people who insist it is broken.
Neobr10: So you're trying to tell me texture pop-in did not exist in the PC version for some holy lucky users? It might not have bothered you like many other users, but it did exist. For me it did, and for everyone i know with a powerful PC it did happen too. If you search on forums, youtube, there are complaints everywhere. Actually, if you search for "Rage PC" on YT or google most of the top results show up things like "how to fix texture pop-in". It happened on both ATi and nvidia cards (though it was worse on ATi/AMD cards) and both CPU brands. Not to mention that iD even released a fucking patch to fix it. Did they just make a patch to fix an issue that didn't exist? Oh, c'mon, give me a break. Even users with i7s and GTX580 had the same issue, and that's an overkill config.

I know that you are always on defense mode when it comes to shitty PC ports (even stating that GTA4 and Dark Souls were good ports, lol, nice joke that one), but you're going WAY over the top.
Qwertyman: Apparently, John Carmack himself called the PC release of Rage a "cluster fuck." The problems with this game were pretty widespread at launch.
Neobr10: According to a few users here these issues did not exist. Maybe they know more than Carmack himself.
There was always pop-in, it's a part of the way the engine was built. It's constantly streaming data for the visuals, much like Unreal Engine games.
Fenixp: I have played RAGE shortly after release as well, it worked fine on my computer. And looked great, by the way.
Neobr10: Oh yes, texture pop-in was a nice special effect. Wish more games used it.
If you like texture pop in the XBox 360 version of DA:O had it in amazing quantity (whatever that first town you get to, in the fields, yeah, you can run around and see as much as you want!). I assume the PS3 version had the same issue but on the off chance it didn't I won't claim it out of hand:)
Neobr10: So you're trying to tell me texture pop-in did not exist in the PC version for some holy lucky users?
I had no issues with it on launch day. I don't care if you believe me. Stop acting like forum complainers count for everyone.

Neobr10: I know that you are always on defense mode when it comes to shitty PC ports (even stating that GTA4 and Dark Souls were good ports, lol, nice joke that one), but you're going WAY over the top.
I said those games are better on PC than console, which they are. I never held them up as shining examples of how to port a game to PC. If you want an example of that, I guess Deus Ex: Human Revolution fits the bill.
StingingVelvet: I had no issues with it on launch day. I don't care if you believe me. Stop acting like forum complainers count for everyone.
Well, i did, my firends did, many people on the internet did, they even released a patch to fix the textures pop-in issue, Carmack admitted that the PC launch was horrible, but well, i guess your PC was blessed by God himself.

StingingVelvet: I said those games are better on PC than console, which they are.
That's debatable. We have discussed about it in another thread. If you still think a port with broken netcode (which is pretty much essential to the game) still makes it a better version, then there's nothing to discuss. You keep ignoring proven facts and posting your own opinions as facts.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by Neobr10
On the subject of Rage, a Steam friend of mine is trying to get it working on their machine but suffering major texture problems. This isn't the popping-in issue, the textures just aren't loading up at all. Screenshots attached.

I believe they have a Quad Core Phenom 1 and an ATI 5870. They are running on 32-bit XP.
They don't yet have the Scorchers DLC (which has the latest 1.3 patch in it) but they might get it to see if it fixes it.

So, seeing those screenshots, I've not seen anything like that with Rage before. I know about poor quality texture problems, corrupted texture problems, and pop-in texture issues, but completely missing ones is a new one to me and I can't find other examples of it. Anyone got any ideas?
buggy.jpg (174 Kb)
wasteland.jpg (159 Kb)
Post edited February 03, 2013 by korell
Neobr10: Well, i did, my firends did, many people on the internet did, they even released a patch to fix the textures pop-in issue, Carmack admitted that the PC launch was horrible, but well, i guess your PC was blessed by God himself.
All the girls I know like playing The Sims so obviously all girls everywhere like playing The Sims.

Neobr10: That's debatable. We have discussed about it in another thread. If you still think a port with broken netcode (which is pretty much essential to the game) still makes it a better version, then there's nothing to discuss. You keep ignoring proven facts and posting your own opinions as facts.
I actually looked into that after your post and found that the GFWL netcode is pretty much exactly the same as the Xbox Live one, and works about as well/poorly depending on your perspective, so I doubt it.

And even if it were broken I would never play online anyway, which loops right back in to YOUR EXPERIENCE IS NOT EVERYONE'S which is the whole point.
StingingVelvet: All the girls I know like playing The Sims so obviously all girls everywhere like playing The Sims.
Nice try, but you fail at logics. I'm not talking about something as subjective as taste, so your analogy doesn't quite work to prove my point wrong. I said that there was the texture pop-in issue when the game was release. This is a fact, this can be objectively observed. It was related to the way the engine works and how badly it was ported to PC. Whether it bothered you or not is entirely subjetive, i get that. But it did happen (and it still does at a smaller scale with all the patches).

But you're way too stubborn even to understand even simple facts.

StingingVelvet: And even if it were broken I would never play online anyway, which loops right back in to YOUR EXPERIENCE IS NOT EVERYONE'S which is the whole point.
Nice try at twisting my argument completely. I'm not even talking about experience (the only time i ever mentioned it was when i mentioned Dark Souls), unless you didn't read my post properly. I'm saying that Rage was buggy at launch, especially for the texture pop-in issue. This is not about experience.

You may have enjoyed it and you may not even care about the issues, i'm not questioning that. But to say that Rage wasn't buggy on release is kind of dumb. You're trying to make your experience as a fact.
Post edited February 03, 2013 by Neobr10
Man let it go already
Post edited February 03, 2013 by CaptainGyro
korell: On the subject of Rage, a Steam friend of mine is trying to get it working on their machine but suffering major texture problems. This isn't the popping-in issue, the textures just aren't loading up at all. Screenshots attached.

I believe they have a Quad Core Phenom 1 and an ATI 5870. They are running on 32-bit XP.
They don't yet have the Scorchers DLC (which has the latest 1.3 patch in it) but they might get it to see if it fixes it.

So, seeing those screenshots, I've not seen anything like that with Rage before. I know about poor quality texture problems, corrupted texture problems, and pop-in texture issues, but completely missing ones is a new one to me and I can't find other examples of it. Anyone got any ideas?
Agh hahahahaha It's looks just like BORDERLANDS!