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As a huge fan of Tolkien, I couldn't let the MMO go without playing it. For a long time, I've said no, because I'm against paying a monthly fee for a game. But recently, I saw the summer promo and bought me the whole game (LOTRO + Moria + Mirkwood) + lifetime membership for just around 130 €, which means, in fact, just paying one year of membership at once an never be bothered ever after. So far, I think that was one of the best decisions I ever made concerning video games !
The game is awesome. Lots of side quests, plus the main quest is divided in chapters with a real story and real benefits. What is nice is that you can very well solo a good part of the game if you want, but some areas will be especially difficult. Some classes don't solo very well, but happily they also are the most demanded classes when grouping, so it's never a problem to choose these classes and find a group.
The atmosphere is awesome : the Shire is especially beautiful. Arriving in Rivendell by the road is simply breathtaking. You feel like in The Hobbit!!
Certainly the best paying MMO i've ever played and one of the best out there.
Beware, the F2P very is very limited : yes, you can reach level 50 BUT :
- you are limited to the 3 starting regions : Bree, The Shire and the Hall of Thorin. Very large areas yes, but just a very very small portion of the whole game
- you will have to buy packs of missions if you want to reach high levels or go out those areas.
- you will not have a priority access to the servers. Which means that during busy times, you might have to wait before being able to connect.
- you will have a limited access to the chat system
- you can't have more than 3 gold coins (which is already quite a lot). If you earn more, then it will be on an account and you'll be able to use it only when you will have less than 3 gp.
- by the way, you can buy horses in game (with the game's money, not real money) but the really fast ones cost 4 gp... see what I mean ? ;)
So, I think the F2P version is a very nice way to discover the game and its possibilities, but if you want to really enjoy its complexity and its depths, you'll have to pay a monthly fee.
xa_chan: As a huge fan of Tolkien, I couldn't let the MMO go without playing it. For a long time, I've said no, because I'm against paying a monthly fee for a game. But recently, I saw the summer promo and bought me the whole game (LOTRO + Moria + Mirkwood) + lifetime membership for just around 130 €, which means, in fact, just paying one year of membership at once an never be bothered ever after. So far, I think that was one of the best decisions I ever made concerning video games !
The game is awesome. Lots of side quests, plus the main quest is divided in chapters with a real story and real benefits. What is nice is that you can very well solo a good part of the game if you want, but some areas will be especially difficult. Some classes don't solo very well, but happily they also are the most demanded classes when grouping, so it's never a problem to choose these classes and find a group.
The atmosphere is awesome : the Shire is especially beautiful. Arriving in Rivendell by the road is simply breathtaking. You feel like in The Hobbit!!
Certainly the best paying MMO i've ever played and one of the best out there.
Beware, the F2P very is very limited : yes, you can reach level 50 BUT :
- you are limited to the 3 starting regions : Bree, The Shire and the Hall of Thorin. Very large areas yes, but just a very very small portion of the whole game
- you will have to buy packs of missions if you want to reach high levels or go out those areas.
- you will not have a priority access to the servers. Which means that during busy times, you might have to wait before being able to connect.
- you will have a limited access to the chat system
- you can't have more than 3 gold coins (which is already quite a lot). If you earn more, then it will be on an account and you'll be able to use it only when you will have less than 3 gp.
- by the way, you can buy horses in game (with the game's money, not real money) but the really fast ones cost 4 gp... see what I mean ? ;)
So, I think the F2P version is a very nice way to discover the game and its possibilities, but if you want to really enjoy its complexity and its depths, you'll have to pay a monthly fee.

Apparently, you use "turbine points" to purchase premium content. From what I've read, these points can be earned through gameplay. Can you shed a little light on this?
Well I'm going to PAX, and they hand out 5$ cards there. So I'll snag 50 of them like I did with DDO :P
And they do work.
So far, all i know is that you earn those points by being a VIP member or a lifetime member. For the VIP member, each time you pay your fee, you receive 500 points. The lifetime membership does the same, but of course you don't have to pay each month.
For the F2P player, those points can be bought in the LOTRO shop, like in any F2P MMORPG.
EDIT> some more information :
So even as a F2P player, you might be able to earn points during game, even if the ways to do so are not public yet. It's the beta phase after all !
Post edited August 09, 2010 by xa_chan
xa_chan: So far, all i know is that you earn those points by being a VIP member or a lifetime member. For the VIP member, each time you pay your fee, you receive 500 points. The lifetime membership does the same, but of course you don't have to pay each month.
For the F2P player, those points can be bought in the LOTRO shop, like in any F2P MMORPG.
EDIT> some more information :
So even as a F2P player, you might be able to earn points during game, even if the ways to do so are not public yet. It's the beta phase after all !

So you can play completely for free, you just have to work hard to do it.
well, yes, but you will always be limited to the three starting zones, which are vast, but are just a very small part of the game... And I think that, to buy potions or gear, it would be realtively easy to earn points in game, but to buy additional missions it would be quite time-consuming, plus you won't have access to the Mines of the Moria and Mirkwood Forest...
But it's still a very nice way to discover the game, i think.
xa_chan: well, yes, but you will always be limited to the three starting zones, which are vast, but are just a very small part of the game... And I think that, to buy potions or gear, it would be realtively easy to earn points in game, but to buy additional missions it would be quite time-consuming, plus you won't have access to the Mines of the Moria and Mirkwood Forest...
But it's still a very nice way to discover the game, i think.

I can just buy access Mirkwood and Moria, right?
ovoon: Well I'm going to PAX, and they hand out 5$ cards there. So I'll snag 50 of them like I did with DDO :P
And they do work.

way to pay for your pax ticket!
xa_chan: well, yes, but you will always be limited to the three starting zones, which are vast, but are just a very small part of the game... And I think that, to buy potions or gear, it would be realtively easy to earn points in game, but to buy additional missions it would be quite time-consuming, plus you won't have access to the Mines of the Moria and Mirkwood Forest...
But it's still a very nice way to discover the game, i think.
sauvignon1: I can just buy access Mirkwood and Moria, right?

Well, yes, I think there will be options to buy this access, but the problem is that the access to other zones than the three starting ones is reserved to VIP statuts (meaning you pay a monthly fee), so I don't know yet how they will manage that...
Talking about earning points in-game without spending a penny, I've heard that referenced as well. I don't know how many (if any) of you have played DDO, but for every 100 favor earned, they\d give 25 turbine points to spend in the store. It'll probably be something similar with LOTRO.
It's all guess work though with regards to LOTRO. If anything, it might be tied to quest completion or deeds? I think they're most likely.
(As a side-note, points earned in DDO can be used in LOTRO correct? Would make sense)
Post edited August 12, 2010 by DavidGil
DavidGil: (As a side-note, points earned in DDO can be used in LOTRO correct? Would make sense)

No I do not believe that is correct my understanding is that the points will be kept separate. Although as DDO isn't free in Europe I may be misinterpreting that.
sauvignon1: I can just buy access Mirkwood and Moria, right?
xa_chan: Well, yes, I think there will be options to buy this access, but the problem is that the access to other zones than the three starting ones is reserved to VIP statuts (meaning you pay a monthly fee), so I don't know yet how they will manage that...

I thought mission packs could be brought for any area, so you would buy access to Moria for instance and then buy the mission packs on top of that. Didn't think you had to be a VIP to enter.
Post edited August 12, 2010 by rewsan
Sorry to state the system in DDO again, but I don't think you'll have to be a VIP to enter Mirkwood etc. Surely, you should just have to buy races/classes/quest packs etc. to access the content like in DDO.
I've basically got most of the content unlocked in DDO, without a subscription fee.
Gotta say though, I'm surprised to hear that much of the content is locked. I could have swore I heard that the original game up to Moria was accessible by all. Obviously, I'm either mistaken or they've changed their plans.
And Rewsan,
Well, the "limited to the three starting areas" is the last news I've heard, but it might have evolved since then. I must say I didn't pay much attention to it, since I'm not concerned at all (lifetime membership here). ^_^
The question is valid though : will F2P players have access to the Moria and Mirkwood, even if it's through mission packs or buying the extension? I don't know.
I must say that I doubt so: giving access to the Moria and/or Mirkwood would defeat the very principle of the F2P part. I think those areas will be reachable through mission packs you can buy in the store, but you'll have access only until you have completed the aforementionned missions... That would make sense, at least.
But then again, it's only my two cents and things might be clearer on the official forums!
Rather than create a new thread, thought I'd bump this. If anyone's playing the game due to it going free to play tomorrow (I believe), is there anyone fancies a guild/kinship if people are trying it? Would rather be the person that's invited though. ;)
As a side-note, any idea when people not in the head-start can create an account?
DavidGil: Rather than create a new thread, thought I'd bump this. If anyone's playing the game due to it going free to play tomorrow (I believe), is there anyone fancies a guild/kinship if people are trying it? Would rather be the person that's invited though. ;)
As a side-note, any idea when people not in the head-start can create an account?

i'm playing right now, i'd certainly be up for some partying