ovoon: I've played it for 3 years, and the beta for FTP. It's hands down the best MMO currently available. It hits the lore perfectly, but not just from the trilogy of books. But also from every one of the countless middle earth books. The game world is beautiful. The gameplay is about the same as WoW, which to me doesn't really mean anything. Theres allot of story involved, and the overall atmosphere is perfect. The music is really awesome and folksy in the free peoples areas, and you really get a feel for the middle earth from the books. Moria is gi-frickin-hugic. 9 regions, all with different atmosphere. There are plenty of cool raids at the current end game, and Mirkwood is really cool and gloomy. Although I haven't gotten that far into it yet.
One of my favorite games if your into middle earth, atmosphere, story, and awesomeness.
sauvignon1: Can you go to Mordor? I think it'd be awesome to see Barad-dur and Mount Doom up close.
Siannah: Atmosphere is brilliant and fitting the lore right on spot. If you like Tolkiens work, chances are you'll love just running through the Shire, doing the quests / enjoying yourself. If that doesn't hook you, it isn't for you. If it does, there's plenty to come which will keep you attached. What LOTR fan wouldn't want to explore weathertop or other know places, all the while the story gives you a feeling, that your one of those important workers in the background of the fellowship?
It can get tedious at times, like any other MMO. But believe me, the first time you'll enter Moria and see what they did with it, your jaws will drop.
It's one of these games, while nothing groundbreaking, where it's easy to see that there are fans behind / doing it - definitely worth giving a try.
One of my favorite things to do in MMOs is to just wonder around exploring the world. That's why I never got to a high level in WoW lol. Can you fight the Watcher in the Water and Durin's Bane (The Balrog) in Moria?
No, not yet, but the map keeps expanding. Soon Rohan, then Gondor. So far it's Eriador, some northern areas, then it goes to Moria, Lothlorian and Mirkwood. But Carn Dum and Dol Guldor are amazing. They did an excellent job with the evil areas. And Angmar turns out to be huge. That was my favorite region. Really dark, huge and awesome, with a beastly tower fortress. Apparently Dol Guldor is huge, but I never got there.
Keep in mind that Eriador is huge. The Shire, Bree, Lone Lands, Ettemoors (PvMP area), Trollshaws (Rivendell), Misty Mountains (Goblin Town from The Hobbit is in there too!), Forochel (Icy north) Evendim (huge lake), Eregion (big forested region leading to Moria), North Downs (huge, loads of stuff here), Ered Luin (elf and dwarf starter region, don't know much about this other than the beautiful Thorin's Halls)
So keep in mind that this is one of the biggest MMO game worlds. These regions are huge.