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Ok recently I got roughly half of GoG's Catalog, and then about 25 other games my PC. Then I had went to the PX on base, and got a PS3 and then proceeded to order another 30 or so games for that. That in addtion to my Wii and 360 ps2, psp and Ds has me wondering... Is it possible to have to many video games?
While my time is broken between working ten+ hours a day, hitting the gym for an hour, getting back to my hooch and playing XYZ for about an hour or watching a movie. I just kinda went shit, ive got 12 games that just got here from Amazon and I dont know what I want to start 1st.
What are your thoughts?
What's the point in going to the gym if you're just going to slump on your couch and play games? There, one hour saved.
To be honest, I have a lot of games on here, Steam, Impulse, console, and in retail copies. Do I play them all? Yes. Do I finish them all? Hell no. It's not possible for me to do so. I think that I'll probably finish all my games sometime in the future when I have more time (somewhere around after high school and in college or something). As long as you make a commitment to finish the games you own sometime, then it's not a problem to have too many games.
Post edited November 30, 2009 by michaelleung
michaelleung: What's the point in going to the gym if you're just going to slump on your couch and play games? There, one hour saved.
To be honest, I have a lot of games on here, Steam, Impulse, console, and in retail copies. Do I play them all? Yes. Do I finish them all? Hell no.

Hehe, I go to the gym so I don't become a fat ass in Iraq... lol my first year in Iraq I put on like twenty pounds, the last three years ive just toned up
michaelleung: What's the point in going to the gym if you're just going to slump on your couch and play games? There, one hour saved.
To be honest, I have a lot of games on here, Steam, Impulse, console, and in retail copies. Do I play them all? Yes. Do I finish them all? Hell no.
akwater: Hehe, I go to the gym so I don't become a fat ass in Iraq... lol my first year in Iraq I put on like twenty pounds, the last three years ive just toned up

The army DOES THINGS to you! Argh! Conspiracy confirmed! Muscles firmed!
Is it possible to have too many books?
In many ways, games are similar to books -- they provided entertainment and, unlike movies, are not passive in that respect; you need to actually dedicate time to them either by controlling them (in the case of games) or by reading and interpreting the words on the pages (whereas you can just leave a movie on in the background while doing something else).
The reason I ask the question about too many books is simply because I expect most (non gamers) would respond differently to the question when books are the subject instead of games. (I.e., I expect they'd say you can never have too many books, but would consider it very possible to have too many games).
Personally, I don't think you can have too many of either.
akwater: ... Is it possible to have to many video games?
What are your thoughts?

I have them too many as well, it is my personal curse. However I don't regret it.
Post edited November 30, 2009 by klaymen
bansama: Is it possible to have too many books?
In many ways, games are similar to books -- they provided entertainment and, unlike movies, are not passive in that respect; you need to actually dedicate time to them either by controlling them (in the case of games) or by reading and interpreting the words on the pages (whereas you can just leave a movie on in the background while doing something else).
The reason I ask the question about too many books is simply because I expect most (non gamers) would respond differently to the question when books are the subject instead of games. (I.e., I expect they'd say you can never have too many books, but would consider it very possible to have too many games).
Personally, I don't think you can have too many of either.

Yeah, but the thing is I can finish a decently long novel in a single sitting in three or four hours (so I'm a fast reader, what of it?). I can't do that with a game so it's much easier to justify buying a lot of books.
michaelleung: Yeah, but the thing is I can finish a decently long novel in a single sitting in three or four hours (so I'm a fast reader, what of it?). I can't do that with a game so it's much easier to justify buying a lot of books.

Then one could argue that you're playing the wrong games or you're reading "too fast" (such as speed reading to the point where you're only getting the gist and not the full story). I'm curious though, do you read books only in English?
michaelleung: Yeah, but the thing is I can finish a decently long novel in a single sitting in three or four hours (so I'm a fast reader, what of it?). I can't do that with a game so it's much easier to justify buying a lot of books.
bansama: Then one could argue that you're playing the wrong games or you're reading "too fast" (such as speed reading to the point where you're only getting the gist and not the full story). I'm curious though, do you read books only in English?

Mostly. Though I do read a few books here and there in Chinese but it takes longer (I learnt English first, Chinese as a second language).
Maybe I am reading too fast then. Though I do feel that I get the full story, I do sometimes find myself going back a few pages in some books going, "OK, so what just happened here?" I guess it's a natural thing, that I'm just "wired" to speed read. It's hard for me to read slowly. Anyway.
michaelleung: Mostly. Though I do read a few books here and there in Chinese but it takes longer (I learnt English first, Chinese as a second language).

Interesting. I actually find it faster to read books in Japanese than in English due to the pictographic nature of the scripts used. I guess given the increased complexity of the Chinese script (either simplified or traditional) there is no such benefit?
michaelleung: Mostly. Though I do read a few books here and there in Chinese but it takes longer (I learnt English first, Chinese as a second language).
bansama: Interesting. I actually find it faster to read books in Japanese than in English due to the pictographic nature of the scripts used. I guess given the increased complexity of the Chinese script (either simplified or traditional) there is no such benefit?

Not really. Maybe if you're really good or you're a native speaker, then you would probably see some speed difference. That said I'm not the best at reading in Chinese and sometimes I have to have a dictionary by my side when I'm reading thick Chinese epic novels with lots of uncommon characters.
akwater: Hehe, I go to the gym so I don't become a fat ass in Iraq... lol my first year in Iraq I put on like twenty pounds, the last three years ive just toned up
michaelleung: The army DOES THINGS to you! Argh! Conspiracy confirmed! Muscles firmed!

Im not Army nor am I *in* any branch or the Armed forces.... Half the army folks on this fob are overweight........
I read fast, at one point I had like over 500 books in my room, and not your novel oriented books but course books for random topics from Chemistry to History to anything, so im a nerd....
But, yeah, Spent like a grand in the last three or four weeks on games and kinda going what the fluff was I thinking.
Personally I do not regret buying tons of games, just that I did not allow myself to actually plan a better method of attack as to playing them. I need to try and stick to one game at a time I think that way I dont start a new one every day while the other new one falls by the wayside
i keep an excel tabel of all the pc games i own. it is currently at row 404. this is not counting all the games for modern consoles i have which are about 20. that is not counting all the games i have for sega genesis and master system from my childhood which are about 100.
i do think thats a lot. but i dont think its too many because i enjoy playing them and i don't have any significant problems in my life as a result of playing them. so keep on trucking.
Its only too many if you can no longer store them, same with other entertaining things like books, DVDs or women
Aliasalpha: Its only too many if you can no longer store them, same with other entertaining things like books, DVDs or women

Where do you put the last one? In freezers or locked in the basement?