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It's possible to have too many in one go. Especially given that games typically lose value over time (unlike books). Meaning that by the time you play some of those games you bought they may well be half the price you paid for them.
That's why most of my games are bought for far less than half the RRP; I know they're not about to drop in price any further any time soon.
anjohl: Rampant materialism is generally a sign of a void in one's life that is being thus filled. Once I figured that out, I stopped buying DVD's/TV shows entirely, and have reduced my book buying to maybe 4-5 a year at most.
PhoenixWright: You left out what you replaced your void-filler with....

This will soudn cheesy, but anti-materialism has become a sort of creed for me. it led me "Into the wild", in that I do a *lot* of adventure hiking, and am planning a weeklong expedition into a popular mountain range for next summer.
The deeper I go into the wilderness, with everything I need to stay disconnected from modern society for a time on my back, the closer to "god" I get, to use a term somewhat facetiously.
To answer your question in brief, I replaced it with nothing, since I had over-complicated my own life. The nothingness that I replaced it with has given me more joy and fulfillment than anything I have ever undertaken in my life. I especailly love taking friends with me, and watching their reactions to the wonders I am now used to.
I have also entrenched myself deeply into the philosophy of weightlifting. And there is a philosophy, you just need to listen close enough.
So, I'm not alone in the sense of having a horde of games. Good to know, distractions here and there are always welcome. I think I have six 1tb hard drives and then five 500gig drives. Each are full of one specific item, ie my Music Drives have just that. My TV show hd, PSP, PC, etc etc etc.
I balance my life pretty well. I no longer have tons of books, opting for digital format of them instead of a bound copy (to be honest that is one hard drive I have yet to quite fill).
I am anti materialistic when it comes to clothing, cars, and chicks, most other stuff. But for games/music/movies/books I do not tend to shed any tears about getting things. Hell my boots I wear day in and day out I've had for 2 years, all my clothes are at least 3 years old with the exception of socks/boxers.
Anjohl, what part of Canada are you from? I spent most of my youth in Alaska. I do get out into the wild, when I'm on vacation every few months, just where I am currently at I try to avoid going into unknown areas of the country and espically without backup and a couple of blackhawks if I need air support :p
ok I have to ask. what exactly is the philospohy of weightlifting?
Too many video games? That's crazy talk!
However, in the past year, I've gone to the local Gamestop twice to sell back games I probably won't ever play again, as well as games I ended up hating (Dragoneer's Aria, Tomb Raider Underworld, I'm looking in your direction). I only get rid of games that I don't plan on touching ever again; everything I plan on replaying, I keep around. If buying all those games is going to put you in the poorhouse, I would stop. I also agree with what others have said about storage problems as well. But if cash and storage space isn't a problem, I say keep at it. If you enjoy it, and you don't neglect real life, then I see nothing wrong with having a big pile of games that you enjoy playing. ;)
There is never too much of anything...except maybe bullets to the head. If it takes more than one to put down a human/zombie NPC in a game, something is wrong.
Rohan15: There is never too much of anything...except maybe bullets to the head. If it takes more than one to put down a human/zombie NPC in a game, something is wrong.

That would have to depend on the kind of bullet used.... I mean.... a 22 I would totally understand needing 2 or 3 shots,
a 50 cal however should be one shot one kill, from the top of the hill, sniping in a winter wonderland... (old boot camp cadence lol....)
akwater: Ok recently I got roughly half of GoG's Catalog, and then about 25 other games my PC. Then I had went to the PX on base, and got a PS3 and then proceeded to order another 30 or so games for that. That in addtion to my Wii and 360 ps2, psp and Ds has me wondering... Is it possible to have to many video games?

You're insane! *
Unless it becomes a hobby that deprives you of living space (ie hoarding), I wouldn't worry about it. Yes, rampant materialism is probably the sign of some kind of void, but the hell with that. Retail therapy, alcohol and sex cures all. +
* Said with much jealousy
+ Not advocating sex with people you aren't attracted to and/or will likely stab you in your sleep
akwater: Ok recently I got roughly half of GoG's Catalog, and then about 25 other games my PC. Then I had went to the PX on base, and got a PS3 and then proceeded to order another 30 or so games for that. That in addtion to my Wii and 360 ps2, psp and Ds has me wondering... Is it possible to have to many video games?
Shalgroth: You're insane! *
Unless it becomes a hobby that deprives you of living space (ie hoarding), I wouldn't worry about it. Yes, rampant materialism is probably the sign of some kind of void, but the hell with that. Retail therapy, alcohol and sex cures all. +
* Said with much jealousy
+ Not advocating sex with people you aren't attracted to and/or will likely stab you in your sleep

I do not think I am very much into rampant materialism, just the fact I have spent the last 5 years in Iraq/Afganistan. Before that I was in Antartica, and before that I was back home in Alaska.... So sure I have stuff.... but, is it to much?
As it stands my Ex Girlfriend from back home had stabbed me while I was on vacation. My new lady friend is on my base, but has let me know she has a stick of c4 with my name on it should I upset her....
i dont buy into the whole "void in your life" theory. if going "into the wild" makes you happy thats good. if playing games makes me happy thats good too. either case can end up being a bad obsession though (see the book "into the wild") or just sitting in yourbasement wasting away your life in front of the computer.
akwater: You're insane! *
Unless it becomes a hobby that deprives you of living space (ie hoarding), I wouldn't worry about it. Yes, rampant materialism is probably the sign of some kind of void, but the hell with that. Retail therapy, alcohol and sex cures all. +
* Said with much jealousy
+ Not advocating sex with people you aren't attracted to and/or will likely stab you in your sleep
Shalgroth: I do not think I am very much into rampant materialism, just the fact I have spent the last 5 years in Iraq/Afganistan. Before that I was in Antartica, and before that I was back home in Alaska.... So sure I have stuff.... but, is it to much?
As it stands my Ex Girlfriend from back home had stabbed me while I was on vacation. My new lady friend is on my base, but has let me know she has a stick of c4 with my name on it should I upset her....

I have bolded all the I'm sorry, WHAT THE FUCK parts of your post.
akwater: I do not think I am very much into rampant materialism, just the fact I have spent the last 5 years in Iraq/Afganistan. Before that I was in Antartica, and before that I was back home in Alaska.... So sure I have stuff.... but, is it to much?
As it stands my Ex Girlfriend from back home had stabbed me while I was on vacation. My new lady friend is on my base, but has let me know she has a stick of c4 with my name on it should I upset her....

Rampant entertainment, then? =)
Look, don't get me wrong, I'm all for materialism. Again, I don't think it's too much, but only you can say so. If it starts to really interfere and impact on your life, then I'd say yes. Otherwise, hell no. Have fun!
As for the lady "friend" situation. RUN. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE MAN!
Seriously, I thought I had been with some "unhinged" women, but you take the prize.
Run, so you can enjoy that prize. =P
Unless she has really redeeming qualities.. Hm.. But they'd have to be really redeeming.
Lol.... My life is at least entertaining?
The current gal is more then likely kidding about using c4 on me....Although... Knowing my luck with chicks she just might actually be serious... She is also EOD, so if she wanted to, well I wouldnt stand a chance.
I had just finished up my time at university, and thought....God I would effing hate to get a 9 to 5 office job, which is where I decided I would work in some unique locals, Antartica, Africa (outside Kampala, Uganda), Iraq, Afganistan, UAE, After all who in their right mind chooses to go work in those places? Couple years back, I was at my old school chatting with a professer I had suffered under, met a chick hit it off, started dating, I went back to Iraq. Next time I was back in Alaska, ended up needing 6 stitches in the forhead (YEP she fucking stabbed me in the head? like WTF?)
Anyway, that was this past May. There is also a lot more to that story but, eh some effed up shit lemme tell ya.
Came back to Iraq, started dating an army Captain, who is a little obessive however.... Let me tell you there is nothing like sex after she disarms a bomb. She has her quirks, but once she leaves Iraq I'll be in the clear (i think).
akwater: Lol.... My life is at least entertaining?
The current gal is more then likely kidding about using c4 on me....Although... Knowing my luck with chicks she just might actually be serious... She is also EOD, so if she wanted to, well I wouldnt stand a chance.
I had just finished up my time at university, and thought....God I would effing hate to get a 9 to 5 office job, which is where I decided I would work in some unique locals, Antartica, Africa (outside Kampala, Uganda), Iraq, Afganistan, UAE, After all who in their right mind chooses to go work in those places? Couple years back, I was at my old school chatting with a professer I had suffered under, met a chick hit it off, started dating, I went back to Iraq. Next time I was back in Alaska, ended up needing 6 stitches in the forhead (YEP she fucking stabbed me in the head? like WTF?)
Anyway, that was this past May. There is also a lot more to that story but, eh some effed up shit lemme tell ya.
Came back to Iraq, started dating an army Captain, who is a little obessive however.... Let me tell you there is nothing like sex after she disarms a bomb. She has her quirks, but once she leaves Iraq I'll be in the clear (i think).

So, you stationed in iraq?
Post edited December 01, 2009 by drmlessgames
I would not use the word stationed, but yeah it is where I work.