akwater: Lol.... My life is at least entertaining?
The current gal is more then likely kidding about using c4 on me....Although... Knowing my luck with chicks she just might actually be serious... She is also EOD, so if she wanted to, well I wouldnt stand a chance.
I had just finished up my time at university, and thought....God I would effing hate to get a 9 to 5 office job, which is where I decided I would work in some unique locals, Antartica, Africa (outside Kampala, Uganda), Iraq, Afganistan, UAE, After all who in their right mind chooses to go work in those places? Couple years back, I was at my old school chatting with a professer I had suffered under, met a chick hit it off, started dating, I went back to Iraq. Next time I was back in Alaska, ended up needing 6 stitches in the forhead (YEP she fucking stabbed me in the head? like WTF?)
Anyway, that was this past May. There is also a lot more to that story but, eh some effed up shit lemme tell ya.
Came back to Iraq, started dating an army Captain, who is a little obessive however.... Let me tell you there is nothing like sex after she disarms a bomb. She has her quirks, but once she leaves Iraq I'll be in the clear (i think).