+repping you for this thread and the slick Wyatt avatar. :)
I don't have much to add, I guess some days I feel tired of all these discussions, at least because most of the time some person barges in, trying to be a wise-ass, and opposing the views of the OP just to troll and get some attention. I agree with your sentiment, GOG is indeed a safe haven in the digital video game distribution frightening landscape. Saddens me to see people embracing ideals and policies based on bandwagon effects, and never stopping to think of better solutions, just because someone told them "this is going to be the future". GOG is here, more solid each day, showing us that the future doesn't necessarily have to be one of DRM, of distant companies and studios that crap all over the consumer, of huge corporate monopolies that lose touch with the players that sustain them.
Yes, I'm a stupid dreamer with a useless background in literature and philosophy, I don't understand much of "how the world works", at least not in terms of law and economics, which, apparently, are all that matters. Screw the people, right? Let's all become over-"rational"/"logical" drones (in a very twisted way, as if rationality and logic were limited to science, mathematics, logistics and the like), that accept everything without question, because "this is the future". It's a sad future, if we give up our basic rights in turn for superfluous consumables that last us a few hours or days, at best. I'm a useless dreamer, I acknowledge that, and I have utopic goals, but people like me have their place and purpose as well. I refuse a future in which gamers/citizens/consumers are paying for unfinished products that may never come to be, just to help studios do their work. Don't they have a QA department getting paid for that?! Why should we pay them to do the work of those who get paid to do it?! Are gamers that desperate to be part of something? Did it seriously came down to this while everyone shrugs their shoulders and thinks this is fine and "normal"? Holy crap... that's scary as hell.
Well, I got carried away, so... sorry. Just pretend this never happened and move on with your lives. And happy gaming. :P