Kamfrenchie: Steam has often better deals than what i can find at my classic retailer, better availability.
Also seems like they were pretty much first so yeah they got the advantage. First arrived, first served.
They have a good reputation and they are good game developpers
Then origin comes in, with what, 20 titles available? Compared to steam 300+. And EA doesn't have a very shiny image. To me, they are associated with tings like day 1 dlc and all that sort of stuff. It doesn't feel like they are interested at all in video games besides for the money. Whereas at least Valve does seem to care about making fairly good games, even if they are in for the money too.
So there is litle reason for me to support EA or give them a chance. I can live without their exclusivity, I could buy some of their games on steam, but if they want to keep al their stuff exclusive to origin, I'm not even going to bother.
Aver: I don't see what is has to 'forcing people to use client' policy. Because Valve was first or have more titles, so they can be dicks and it's ok, but for EA it's not ok? ;)
Valve forced us to use client first. So if someone defend Valve in that matter shouldn't whine about being forced to use Origin. EA has to do this, to make chances equal in this competition.
Again, I ain't saying steam and valve are angels, and I still dislike being forcd to login and all that, so I'm less likely to go for both steam and origin. I just hate having so many accounts and passwords.
EA and origin have pretty much nothing over steam and valve, and EA's image is bad.
THerefore i don't feel like supporting them or giving them a chance so far.
Steam has, afaik always been quite fair to the consumers, and hough they seem to dominate the market, I hven't seen them take advantage of it in an abusive way. Now if EA was in stem shoes, i'm prtty sure they'd b happy to sell us games in 3 parts fora high price.
I'm exagerrating but you get the point ?
Now compare them to GoG. GoG has actual advantages over steam, which is why i'm glad to have made an account. Great games at a cheap price, no drm, no need to connect to play.
Now this i of course subjective, it's my way of thinking so far, annd you're fee to use all three. But I just don't have any faith in EA. They don't even seem interested in controling th quality of the games made by their studios, so yeah (looking a you ME3... )